[Img]https://wwwimage-us.pplusstatic.com/thumbnails/photos/w425-q80/cast/stand_james_800x1000.jpg[/img] Name: James "Smarty" Jones Age: 24 Gender: Male Motto: "Work smarter not harder." Birthday: April 3rd Education: College Graduate Description: See Picture Biography: James is from a middle class family. His father was a sheriff, and his mother was a Pokèmon ranger. Growing up, he got mostly A grades, hence his nickname, Smarty, but school life was not really good to him otherwise. While teachers loved him as a student, his peers didn't. He was bullied in school, and even got in trouble for physically losing his cool and lashing out at others. At his 15th birthday party, his uncle, who specialized in breeding uncommon, but not legendary, Pokemon, gave James his first Pokèmon. A male level 5 Riolu. At first, James didn't like Riolu, saying that he never wanted to be Pokèmon Trainer, as it would get in the way of his school work. He often pushed Riolu away, but Riolu was stubborn and persistent. James and Riolu eventually started to get along, and James feels like his Riolu is going to evolve into a Lucario soon. Personality: James is intelligent, and tries to go by his motto of working smarter than harder. He is friendly and outgoing, but that is mostly thanks to Riolu, as James was much colder before he met Riolu. He, with his Pokèmon team at his side, feels like he can take on almost anything. Hometown: Berlin, Vermont Pokèmon Team: 1. Riolu (Male) 2. Zorua (Female) 3. Houndour (Female) 4.Litten (Male) 5.Poochyena (Female) 6.Eevee (Male)