[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412323281526456321/929501376025878548/unknown.png[/img] [h3][i]"All nations want peace. They only want peace on their terms."[/i][/h3] [right][sup][i]- Daimyo Akihiko Kimura, 1495 AC[/i][/sup][/right] [hr] [color=lightgray] For centuries, the realms of Nohr and Hoshido have waged war unto one another. Victories were exchanged, honors gained and lost, and their fields watered by the blood of sons and daughters, martyrs and heroes, but final victory lay forever out of grasp. Untold grievances compile to the tone of drums and poems, and these products of long-ruptured Valla, like quarreling young brothers, clash evermore between East and West. There exists little in terms of reconciliation, and even lesser a will to do so - only will nothing short of utter and total submission shall do, and this mutual feeling has long been cemented in aeons-old rivalry. And, perhaps, it lie time yet again that the fields of Iusera dance to the tune of war. Kingdoms, fiefdoms, regular peoples and fledgling tribes find themselves caught within the maelstrom, for few inside Iusera escape the vision of either great power. Fewer yet still operate freely, without the good graces of one power or another, and within this mosaic of moxie do others still align with one or the other. One by one, the sovereigns of Iusera step in line, pledging their allegiance to Nohr or Hoshido, in such tumultuous web that they no doubt have their eyes upon leveraging the great powers to resolve grievances of their own. Day by day, the lines in the sand are drawn, sides chosen, and flames flared, and when the fuse on the powder keg does finally reach its munition, once again shall the thrones of Himeji and Windmire throw themselves unto the fray. In this tempestuous middle, there are no doubt those who shall find themselves involved, whether they like it or not. Mercenaries, spellhires, and other arms-for-sale have never fared shortage of work throughout Iusera. Your company - [b]The Silver Hawks[/b] - have been in the most gracious employment of Nohr's aristocracy for the past two months, but their contact is soon to come to an end, where the Hawks shall move to greater opportunity. There is but one final matter to resolve before the company's contract with Nohr's throne is up - one ultimate job to take. One, unwittingly to the members of its takers, shall be the catalyst that may forever change the face of Iusera... [/color] [/center] [hider=Map] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767581646408646716/930843711917682748/Iusera_Negative2.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Setting Info] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471174941807738892/930215086537211954/Iusera1.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hider=Nohrian Empire] [center] [img]https://preview.redd.it/z1jf5k11pxi11.png?auto=webp&s=577ca6953b38c960daeeb88419c8cfb69389d309[/img] [color=lightgray]In contrast to the lush, sunny lands of Hoshido, much of Nohr possesses a far more dreary climate. Northern Nohr - much of which is situated in the colossal Carathian Plateau - fosters a frigid alpine climate, where a vast majority of its land remains far above the tree line and its temperatures rarely rise above 10 °C. Northern Nohr is famous for its intricate mountain structures, with entire cities, roads, and aqueducts painstakingly carved from the colossal craters and gaping caverns of the Carathians. The cold temperatures, lack of sunlight, and rocky soil fosters a tundra-like climate where only the hardiest plants can grow, resulting in Northern Nohrian cuisine often having to take creative liberties to fill its hardy peoples' plates and glasses. Mushrooms, mosses, roots, and other hardy plants make up the bulk of Nohrian staples, where they are often ground into a starchy flour with taste similar to turnips or potatoes - far from the most traditionally appetizing diet, but Nohr's hardy populous has long learned that hunger is the best spice. What [i]is[/i] far more remarkable about the Carathians are its rich mines and cavernous quarries, from which its denizens more than happily extract enormous gems and exemplary metals. Southern Nohr makes home to only [i]comparably[/i] more comfortable climates. The region of Farion just to its Southwest lies its great bogs, where its freshwater marsh likewise makes for difficult regular traversal, and its weather typically downcast and muggy. Only along the southeastern regions of Ambré-Comté and Olten, close to its border with Cheve, does the climate ever reach anything close to temperate, and even these are still prone to long, dry, cold winters. Naturally, the Southeast of Nohr is important for the agriculture of the Empire, Ambré-Comté naturally earning its title as the "Breadbasket of the Empire". To describe Nohr's political landscape as "treacherous" does her great disservice - even if it is not far from fib. If one is to do such service unto her as to not simplify her situation as slander, it then becomes imperative to tell of her situation. Nohr stands - unlike Hoshido - as Empire, as unified kingdoms, republics, and free counties all tied unto common allegiance to Windmire and its Ebony Throne. Likewise, Windmire's empire is a vastly cosmopolitan construct, home to several different lands, of many varied peoples in possession of many varied tongues. The sheer number of differences between the constituent states of Nohr, as should be common sense, stands such that the needs of each county remain near impossible to efficiently monitor and govern, for what could a nobleman from the frigid county of Fuschienzire possibly possess to know all the needs of the temperate, agrarian Ambré-Comté? Nohrian subjects expect a degree of autonomy in their daily goings-on that other Emperors would simply find unacceptable, yet it is in such diffuseness that has allowed Nohr to survive where others might wither away to rebellion. Her guidance, then, does necessitate nothing short of a masterful maestro to orchestrate the diffuse wants and needs of Nohr's subjects. The many wanting eyes of her peoples likewise cause no shortage of feuds nor bickering. Garnering Windmire's fullest attention has long been the name of the game for Nohrian internal politics, for her favor comes unto it the riches long brought unto her by gold and silver - and Nohr would be the first to proclaim her mantra, for she has long learned that what the quill and plow cannot provide must be obtained by steel and fire. Following the "mysterious" circumstances surrounding Emperor Garon's death in 1491 AE, the vatic and rather quizzical Arete of Metéoré - one of Garon's many, many wives of entertainment - has ascended to the Premiership. Empress Arete has ruled with uncanny foresight, masterfully able to balance the multitudinous needs of the Empire with adroit display, but in recent months has become more and more reclusive, falling to fits of erratic behavior. The Nohrian Diet seems increasingly polarized on the opinion of whether Empress Arete is truly well, but for as long as she does sit upon the Ebony Throne, she shall have none of it. Many believe that the Empress seeks to fully consolidate Nohr's internal issues, and when the time is right, shall once again make advances unto Hoshido. [/color] [/center] [hider=Major Counties and Regions of Nohr] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/929379975885377606/929425762845618196/unknown.png[/img] [list] [*] Windmire [*] Fuschienzire [*] Wetzen [*] Lower Carathia [*] Innszire (Also called Upper Carathia) [*] Drakesrift [*] Krakenmire [*] Farion [*] Macarath [*] Osetiénne [*] Metéoré [*] Olten [*] Ambré-Comté [*] Sain-Gallainé [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Hoshido] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471174941807738892/929136791980752906/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] A far cry from the difficult, rugged lands of Nohr, Hoshido is blessed by gentle, prevailing westerly winds, which moderate its already temperate climate and allow it biennial harvests. As a land of many rivers, Hoshido bountiful sunlight and predictably flooding lands allow it bountiful riverside harvests of rice, sorghum, and fish. Agriculture remains the overwhelming pride of the Hoshidan economy, with such bounty being the norm of the realm, many Hoshidans take to the work of artisanal crafts. Woodworking, lacquering, and intricate mechanics are keystones of Hoshidan artisanal prowess, and the famed mechanics of Hoshido craft with lacquer and bronze - a key difference from the works of other nations a result of Hoshido's poor iron quality. Bronze and copper remain the most common metals for the use of laymen, for regular Hoshidan iron and steel must be painstakingly folded and purified to attain even modest quality in contrast to other nations. The Hoshidan capital encircles Castle Shirasagi, the crown jewel of the capital Himeji, and home of the royal family. This bounty means almost no one in Hoshido wants for anything, and crime is rare. The Hoshidan monarchs rule fairly and justly, and are loved by their people. Dissent is uncommon in Hoshido, curiously enough, for a nation likewise so deprived of much besides from the most basic needs of man - and perhaps it is due in part to the overwhelming employment of various secretive forces - ninja clans and samurai - that so dutifully preserve this peaceful narrative. Perhaps the greatest victim of Hoshido's success remains her very society. While life in Nohr remains tumultuous and changes a near daily occurrence, the aristocracy of Hoshido have entrenched within their caste nothing short of staunch belief in the righteousness of Hoshidan culture, by virtue of her comparative tranquility. Hoshido, impressively even more than the most ardent Nohrian Imperialist, as a result remains a stubbornly conservative nation, ardent against even the most minute of change. Chance for social mobility is virtually nonexistent, and even some of Hoshido's most heroic figures have little reward for their service - unfaltering performance and unshakeable faith has long ceased to be exception and become expectation. This deeply-ingrained cult of status quo so ardently defends Hoshido from within, and without. The prosperity of Hoshido acts as the greatest ideological reinforcement for nothing short of divine righteousness to rule, for it is propelled that critique of the Divine Nobility is tantamount to rejection of the gods. By Divine Right, the King of Dawn is ruler beneath all under heaven. Many smaller nations pledge their loyalty to Himeji, most notably Mokushu, Igasato, and Sarukina, where they act as tributary states in return for the much more apt protective ability of the Solar Throne. Some go as far as to say that the tributary states are little aside from puppets of Hoshido, owing to the near draconian diligence for which Hoshido employs its network of spies and informants. This has no doubt caused much tension within both Cheve and Osha - the former of which long-standing its rivalry with Nohr and turning to Hoshido for support, while the latter sharing much of its grievances over independence and undue control over Osha's internal affairs, has taken a staunchly pro-Nohrian foreign policy. Hoshido stands, of course, with the sovereignty of Cheve in support of Nohr's famously aggressive diplomacy, and naturally shall make no overtures towards the notion of Osha subduing themselves beneath the Windmire's gauntlet. For their own good, and for the good of all Iusera, Nohr's influence must be subdued, no matter the cost to Osha. King Sumeragi IV sits upon the Solar Throne, the famous stoic of Shirasagi. With his beloved Queen Ikona - and the influence of a certain Lady Mikoto, whose rise to power with the blessings of Sumeragi have caused no shortage of suspense within the courts of Hoshido - Sumeragi rules with a harsh, but even hand across the Kingdom of the Sun. His reign has been a long and healthy one, but Sumeragi grows old, and his eyesight has faded unto obscurity with age. His senses, however, are none the lesser in his age, and the old Samurai King unto his final breath shall devote himself unto Hoshido and her people, and while he still draws breath, by the honor of the Line of Sumeragi, Nohr shall nevermore cast stains unto Hoshido's peace. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Cheve] [center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/91dda5fd-93d0-4124-abe4-50bdf8e54899/dbgwqxk-f8f2edeb-b521-4b82-a199-03e5ad857d22.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_576,q_75,strp/city_in_the_lowlands_by_nele_diel_dbgwqxk-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOTFkZGE1ZmQtOTNkMC00MTI0LWFiZTQtNTBiZGY4ZTU0ODk5XC9kYmd3cXhrLWY4ZjJlZGViLWI1MjEtNGI4Mi1hMTk5LTAzZTVhZDg1N2QyMi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.ZZABQlgKYIh0y1BXA_zEozRyaOwD-VS5FdqFt60bmqw[/img] [color=lightgray] Cheve is a relatively small nation which lie to Nohr's southeast, and is a largely temperate nation blessed by the fertile crescents of its Ardeche and Cher rivers. Mused by its gracefully declining alpine slopes, Cheve possesses pleasant summers which provide ample harvests in the summer, but is offset by early winters which tend to last well into the spring months. It is famed for its highly-skilled knights, and its people uniquely hold the belief that their dead become new stars in the sky - a belief which has its origins in ancient Vallite burial customs. During significant events, such as holidays, festivals, charges, and knighting ceremonies, Cheve knights pin flowers on their chestplates. Cheve proudly hosts three companies of knights, whose undue influence have long turned its principalities and constituents into their own petty fiefdoms. Nary a single coin goes untraded without one of the three orders' knowledge, for merchants must have the blessing of at least one of them to even stand chance of success - anything for the security of Cheve, as they would say. Countless schisms between Nohr and Cheve have largely poisoned the well between the two, and many Chevois openly resent Nohr. To nobody's great surprise, King Bastén Linart has made friendly overtures to Hoshido, pleading for more amicable relations between the two, but Nohr has likewise had none of Hoshidan influence in what they see as their sphere of influence. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Osha] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412323281526456321/929366338449862716/unknown.png[/img] Coupled on one side by the the Kingdom of Cheve and on the other by Hoshido, Osha is surrounded by deep-running rivers and itself is largely aching peaks with crested valleys, which wind all throughout the nation as some of the widest and most reliable of corridors through what are otherwise the near-impassable barrier that are the Tauranian (Hoshidan: Yukigara) Mountains. The many winding corridors that format the overwhelming bulk of Osha's townships and villages have given rise to the nation's influential status as a beacon of trade between East and West, where most every good and service can be found throughout one of its many chaotic markets. Osha stands uniquely influenced by a platitude of influences, as its oriental architecture shares many common elements of Nohrian architecture in its designs along mountains and cliff-faces. Oshans have seen a marked separation from Hoshido's peering eyes, and have long attempted distance from the Solar Throne and towards their own destiny, only to be whisked back into the influence of Hoshido by means of subterfuge and insurrection. It seems for the moment that they have had more than enough, and word from its Queen Ilha Fujuri has come to the attention that she requests Nohr's official guarantee of independence. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Grand Duchy of Nestra] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412323281526456321/929366508931526666/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray]A small, mercantile duchy along the Coast of Atalia, Nestra remains a key trading location for those navigating along both the Iuserian coast as well as on the gorging Bourdeon River. Its crown city of Sircenzia (natively spelled "Cyrkensia") is famed internationally for its singers, dancers, and actors, who populate its opulent opera houses and theaters. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=United Provinces of Notre Sagesse] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412323281526456321/929366755636310066/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] Notre Sagesse, the "land of philosophers", is an islandic nation located in the southern sea between Hoshido and Nohr. Comprised of sixteen main islands in addition to countless smaller ones, Notre Sagesse holds its unique position in Iusera as perhaps the most conservative of cultural aspects to the ancient Vallite Empire, and retains much in the way of its marble-laden, spherical architecture, its traditions of intellectualism, and its rich heritage of oration and narration. Proudly, the Sagessians have taken upon themselves the title, "Ruler of the Seas" - a notion which neither Nohr nor Hoshido might truly contest. From the Atalian Coast to the Sea of Izumo, Sagessian triangular flagships sail the seas in quantity that Windmire and Himeji alike may only marvel at, and like the great Vallite Empire before them, in this display as their ancestors is the Ephastian Ocean, [i]"Thálassia Mas"[/i] - "Their Sea". [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Mokushu Shogunate] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522278539098062848/930148975762346024/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] Mokushu is a kingdom located to the south of Hoshido, Izumo, and Igasato, known for its highly-skilled ninjas and vast number of samurai. Mokushu has a vast array of terrain, such as forests and rough hills, all peppered by intricate cave systems. As it is one of the few regions of Eastern Iusera which possesses quality iron - no matter how pauce its sizing - weaponsmiths of Mokushu find themselves routinely contracted to create the bulk of Hoshido's weaponry. Indeed, Mokushu goes to great lengths to acquire whatever iron and steel they might find to fulfill their quarry, and likewise they have made many an overture to Osha to acquire Nohrian steel - a fact they do their best to keep hidden from the peering eyes of Hoshido's more ardent mercantilists. In spite of their status as a tribute state to Hoshido, Mokushu prefers to remain neutral in other nations' conflicts, no doubt propelled by internal fears that official declarations of war will weaken on daimyo and embolden others. There are few shortages of samurai who take on students in Mokushu, and instructors of swordplay and spearplay can be found in virtually any sizable Mokushite settlement. It's ninja clans, on the other hand, are far more secretive, and are typically simply skilled peasants, possessive of a fierce display of independence against their shogunate tax collectors. Taxes on the lower classes of Mokushu are nothing short of exorbitant to pay for its vast sums of cover-ups and mercantilist endeavors, and its rebellious peasantry have long harbored disdain for its ruling samurai, who enforce heavy taxes unto them and routinely brutalize those who cannot offer tribute. Ninja of Mokushu are appropriately rather skilled, but masters of the craft are secretive and only teach their art to a few, chosen students. Its most recent shogun, Kotaro, harbors ambitions of expanding asserting the status of Mokushu into one of greater power. While it has no love for Nohr nor its machinations, they do not deny that they more or less require Nohr's constant inflow of metal from Osha to continue their lucrative primary trade. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Kingdom of Igasato] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522278539098062848/930144803994370088/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] Igasato is as a tributary state to Hoshido, nestled firmly along its Sagato Basin. A land of lush rivers and verdant hills, crested in dense cherry forests, With Hoshido with a longstanding alliance with the main country. It is perhaps most well known for producing ninja who often work for the Hoshidan aristocracy, and as bodyguards for the Royal Family. Training for prospective ninja begins at an incredibly young age, with some of the most promising children from across Igasato sent - willing or otherwise - to be trained beneath the tutelage of the Saizo clan. The nation is led by an individual named Saizo, the eponymous head of the current Saizo clan which has ruled over Igasato for decades. Currently, there are five known individuals who have carried the name of Saizo. The title is generally given to the eldest son of the current Saizo when the previous either steps down or passes away. Upon taking up the title, the inheritor relinquishes his old name and is referred as Saizo from then on out by all individuals in the clan. The Saizo clan, however, is the noteworthy exception of ninja in Hoshido, and has long been the sworn enemy of the many ninja clans of the East, for their allegiance to the Crown of Hoshido has long stood against the virtues of anti-establishmentarianism that the peasant clans long stood for. Assassination attempts are rife in Igasato, agents of the varied clans come to exact vengeances and reverse the influence of the clan, but the Saizo clan yet possesses the full backing of the Solar Throne, and for as long as that remains yet true, they shall nary be removed from their post if Hameji can yet help it. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Archduchy of Izumo] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471174941807738892/929366973945618492/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] Most curiously for a nation which shares such proximity to Hoshido, Izumo has managed to retain not only their freedom from vassalage, but has even gone so far as to exert its neutral policy. Of course, it should maintain as no surprise that Izumo has needed to maintain certain...concessions for this course of action to manifest, for Hoshido still exerts considerable influence within Izumo's political leanings. While it does border both the powers of Hoshido as well as that of Mokushu's shogunate, Izumo maintains a token military force, only intended to provide security to Izumo's famed orders of monks and healers along its many spiritual temples. Izumo has many temples of worship, to which no shortage of pilgrims undergo a lengthy journey to its many springs, fissures, and sites of physical and spiritual healing. It is perhaps due to this open policy and its generous offerings to provide services to Hoshido that have earned Izumo its spot in Hoshido's good graces. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Galynia] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522278539098062848/930147451011231784/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray] Galynia (Hoshidan: Gari-Kukuo) - Also known as the Flame Tribe - are one of several indigenous Turlinian peoples of Iusera, and are known primarily as element-worshippers. Galynia technically is the domain of neither realm, nor does it pay any levvy nor homage to either power, though it is relatively friendly with Hoshido. The people of the tribe worship the God of the Flame - known as Nari-Khan in the native Galyni language - and keep a sacred flame burning at all times in honor of Him. To protect the flame, the tribe enacted a strict policy of isolation. This may have contributed to their strong feelings of independence, as they are not officially allied with either nation or rely upon their support. The location of Galynia's sacred flame is poorly-understood, and is speculated by scholars and travellers to be an itinerant location which changes quite regularly. Common mythos of Galynia relates that when an enemy tribe invaded the village and extinguished the sacred flame, the holy mountain erupted and destroyed the enemy tribe, but as punishment for the insolence of their people, Nari-Khan drenched the Galyni in fire for their failure to protect His tribute. Galynia has a low tolerance of outsiders, believing them to be harmful, though a select few trusted merchants and traders are allowed safe passage through their territory insofar that proper homage is paid to both local chieftains as well as their traditions. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Busara] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522278539098062848/930144456353656883/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray]Busara (Hoshidan: Pusari-To) - also known as the Ice Tribe - is a small kingdom far to the north of Nohr, and are one of several indigenous Turlinian peoples who inhabit North Iusera. Officially, they are of no allegiance to any entity besides themselves, but have been known to be on good terms with Nohr. Nestled high in the mountains with fierce winds and frigid temperatures, Busara is a frigid nation of simple gatherers who live in small villages to tough out the alpine climate. Though they have little to economically offer, Busara possesses a rich tradition of magic and navigation, and produce a plethora of knowledgeable mages, pathfinders, and soothsayers - many of whom earn a good living in Nohr, where the money earned is often sent back to their families back home.[/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sarukina] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522278539098062848/930147464646901811/unknown.png[/img] [color=lightgray]Sarukina - Natively known as "Salkhind" and also known as the Wind Tribe - are Turlinian peoples who inhabit the gusty northeastern shores of Iusera. Sparsely populated and with little in the way of agricultural land, the Saru peoples are nomads famous for traveling incredible distances along their iconic wind-gliders. Though the land in question is rather poor for much productive, the handiwork of Saru crafts in their hang-gliders have made them famous all over the world. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Permia] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844367097488080896/929133227954814987/Permia.png[/img] [color=lightgray]The name given to the sparsely-populated arboreal lands to the far north, the vastness of Permia is difficult to truly understate. With hardened tundra spreading for endless kilometers, the nomadic peoples of Permia largely migrate along dogsleds and stocky horses across the lands, often traveling in tribes of a hundred or fewer. Most of Permia remains as untamed, unsettled wilderness, and the undeveloped nature of her vastness makes travel difficult for non-natives unfamiliar with her many avenues.[/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Shiva] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844367097488080896/929134202174205982/Shiva.png[/img] [color=lightgray]Shiva is a vast confederation which lies to the west of Nohr. Largely composed of the sprawling Kâri Desert and intermittently sprinkled with rugged badlands and more gentle Mediterranean coasts, the few permanent cities of Shiva are near-entirely relegated to its sealine, from which its famed enterprising merchants bring famous spices and exotic animals to and from Iusera. Traveling traders often make great voyages across its vast land, which connect Nohrian trade to and from the exotic lands of the Far West. In stark contrast with most of its neighbors, Nohr's border between itself and Shiva remains porous and ill-defined. Owing to the great distance and difficulty of most of its terrain, there is often much overlap between principalities and villages under the nominal allegiance to Nohr or Shiva's Sultan. [/color] [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [indent] Let's just get this out of the way: Yes, every Fire Emblem fan ever has come up with their own theories and ideas to how they'd make Fates better, because Fates is a mess and ugly and weird and tone-deaf and all other sorts of bad things. So, of course we can do better because Intelligent Systems just isn't "big-brained" enough to make a "real" setting with a "real" story. Now that i've gotten the part where I sound pretentious out of the way...[i]*clears throat*[/i] Welcome, one and all! This in particular is a brainchild i've been storming up for a little bit, after i've taken a bit of a deep dive into the history surrounding Fates' (very) troubled development. I thought with all that knowledge regarding the various changes and iterations from Fates original drafts into its final rendition, it would be a bit of fun to take those concepts and apply another spin on them. It's far from an uncommon opinion that Fates' worldbuilding and storytelling is...less than stellar. But likewise, its enamoring aesthetics and unique, thematic bridgehead between East and West has always been something interesting to be as well. All that being said, I suppose it's been long enough since its been out that there should be another take on it with the hindsight on it in the years of discussion on it, and i'd like to bring something to that table that isn't another person going, "Fates bad". In this RP, you would play as a member of the titular mercenary band, the Silver Hawks, as they go about on missions that will - advertantly or no - change the face of the continent with their actions. Situated right in the middle of this powder keg of nations, the Silver Hawks will eventually need to make some difficult decisions as who to pledge their allegiance to, whether that be Nohr, Hoshido, or just themselves. The setup should be familiar enough, but there should be enough leeway to let everyone say their peace and alter how they would like for the course of the RP to go as well. [/indent] [b][u]Guidelines:[/u][/b] [list] [*] This [i]is[/i] a re-imagined version of Fates, so a lot of key details have been changed between the source material and this rendition. If anything needs further explanation, or if you have questions, do the (hopefully intuitive) thing and ask. [*] You don't really need much knowledge about Fire Emblem Fates to enjoy this. As I said earlier, much has been changed from the source, right down to many of the plot hooks, the setting details, and the story beats. If you know your basic low fantasy politicking tropes and you have some decent reading comprehension, you'll be fine. [*] My style as a GM isn't really to make a "main character" that everyone is intended to follow around. I tend to give pointers, answer questions, and guide along the general tone, throwing in NPCs that assist the story as it progresses and then largely let the players do their own thing. I expect most players to have their own ideas as for what they want to do and what would make their characters "tick", and i'm willing to let most things go along as long as there's a clear player consensus on how everyone wants to proceed. [*] All that being said, I expect most players to have their own subplots and ideas for what they want to do with other characters, and the setting as a whole. Don't be afraid to pitch ideas and try and set up events. [hr] [b]Q&A:[/b] [list] [*] [b]What's the current year?[/b] - [color=lightgray]1495 AC.[/color] [*] [b]Are countries that aren't Nohr and Hoshido available as character origins?[/b] - [color=lightgray]Yup, they sure are.[/color] [*] [b]What about Valla? Where's it?[/b] - [color=lightgray]Going with the original notes and taken from interviews from Intelligent Systems, I made it such that Valla was a long-bygone Empire that was in control of the entire continent of Iusera, which is more what was originally envisioned for it instead of what was shown in Revelations. By the time of 1495, Valla is long gone: Trying to resurrect Valla is like trying to recreate the Roman Empire in today's political climate.[/color] [*] [b]What about the kitsune and wolfskin and manaketes?[/b] - [color=lightgray]They exist: They're just sprinkled around the place in various smaller communities. They either tend to be so well integrated with their host that they're not particularly differential to the greater nation as a whole, or they're quite insular.[/color] [*] [b]What if the role I want is taken by another applicant?[/b] - [color=lightgray]Some of the roles, like Quartermasters and Signalers, can easily have multiple in the same company. Others would require some coordination, like a situation with two co-captains: In these cases, i'd just talk it out beforehand with their relationship before we settle on anything.[/color] [*] [b]What will [i]you[/i] do?[/b] -[color=lightgray] Me? I tend to fill out whatever roles are left out in the party, then adjust with NPC characters. I got plenty of notes and ideas, so don't worry about me. [/color] [*] [b]When are applications due?[/b] - [color=lightgray]Mmh...by Saturday sound good?[/color] [/list] [/list] [hider=CS Template] [center] [color=D2042D][b]Name:[/b][/color] Hopefully not too complicated. There [i]is,[/i] however, a good [url=https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Prison?so=search#Names]list of names in Fates[/url] provided for generic units that should give you a good idea of what sort of names are common where. [color=D2042D][b]Age:[/b][/color] Try not to give a 2015-era Reddit answer of, "She looks 8 but ackshually she is 5000 years old" and pretend it's comedy gold. [color=D2042D][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] The character's nation of identification, usually also their country of origin. Exceptions exist, though, and if that's the case, a denomination marking such (EX/ "Sagessian, Nationalized Nohrian") will be nice. [color=D2042D][b]Class:[/b][/color] As this is mostly something used for equipment and familiarity, you can flavor this however you like. Don't expect me to kiss your ass because of whatever you put here. You can find a list of classes [url=https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_classes_in_Fire_Emblem_Fates]here.[/url] [color=D2042D][b]Role:[/b][/color] Your character's position in the Company. Check in the "Roles" tab for more info. [hr] [color=D2042D][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Pilfer some anime-looking goofball from Google or DeviantArt and plaster their pretty mug here. If you feel ambitious, draw them yourself. Either way, a brief (one paragraph or so) description of their appearance - what they wear and how they look - will do. [color=D2042D][b]Personality:[/b][/color] I don't expect text walls here - just write down the gist of what they're like as a person so that nobody's surprised when pen hits paper. [color=D2042D][b]History:[/b][/color] Write as much as you think is necessary. A few paragraphs are fine, but don't feel like you have to kill yourself over this. You can always add on more In-Character. [hr] [color=D2042D][b]Skills:[/b][/color] No, not [url=https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Skills_in_Fire_Emblem_Fates?so=search]those skills.[/url] Basically, list out what your character is good at. [color=D2042D][b]Trivia:[/b][/color] Anything you think that needs saying but doesn't fit anywhere else goes here. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Roles] [b][u]Note:[/u][/b] I might just get rid of these if they end up being too much of a pain in the ass to incorporate, especially if people want the same role or can't agree. I don't [i]think[/i] it will happen given my experiences on here, but if people just don't like the idea of taking up roles in the Silver Hawks, i'll just get rid of them. Do me a favor and give me some feedback in the Int Check, 'kay? [b]Captain:[/b] Every mercenary company needs a capable (and barring that, willing) leader. Ours is no exception. The captain finalizes and gives the go-ahead on all plans that are made, and acts as the "face" of the group, usually conducting the bulk of the interactions and negotiations on behalf of the company. [b]Sergeant-At-Arms:[/b] Typically considered to be the "second-in-command" of the company, the sergeant-at-arms duties act as the subordinate commander of the company, and accordingly handle the more minute details of the daily operations. A sergeant-at-arms is expected to challenge both the company's tactician and captain as necessary to ensure that all planning is foolproof. [b]Tactician:[/b] A company's tactician is responsible for the more precise planning of all battle plans, whereas the Captain and Sergeant-At-Arms are more inclined to make broader policy goals and determine the general course of action. Together with the signaler, the company tactician prepares and executes the exact plans outlined by the general goals approved by the company's leadership. [b]Treasurer:[/b] The treasurer deals with anything that has to do with finances. Whether that's dishing out payment, maintaining costs with the quartermaster, or renegotiating payments or contracts with clients, it has to go through the treasurer. [b]Quartermaster:[/b] An army marches on its stomach. Having a dedicated quartermaster assists in maintaining supply and provisions inside the company, and accordingly keeps track of the supplies the company has to offer. [b]Signaler:[/b] The "message boy" of the company, the signaler provides no shortage of important position. Communicating orders efficiently and effectively keeps the entire thing working, and often times, it's the signaler who gathers everyone in one place for meetings. [b]Other:[/b] Got another idea I haven't listed out? Give it to me. Give an explanation for what they do, regardless of whether that's just an average guy, the bard, the cook, whatever else you can think of. [/hider]