[img]https://c.tenor.com/w2m2d5bR6p4AAAAC/minccino-pokemon.gif[/img] Character: Harmony Species: Female Minccino Personality: Harmony is generally a kind soul, however due to her posh upbringing she unintentionally can come across as judgemental and pretentious, but all her comments are only said with the best of intentions even if they don't sound like it. She practically obsessive about being clean and tidy, and will even go as far as to try and clean items that belong to complete strangers or even the strangers themselves. She possesses a rather cheeky sense of humour and will make jokes constantly, and just about any topic as well, this can make her seem disrespectful as she will joke about even the most serious of topics and inappropriate of times. She also likes to be tickled, cuddled and hugged.