[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220112/273c3f9fb41d7487cadb4e9a05df928d.png[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/2hKXJ06qQlcAAAAd/log-cabin-fireplace.gif[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent]It isn't often that the town of Pioneer Springs gets visitors. Nestled within the northern part of the Michigan peninsula, the tiny, rural town has had an influx of visitors staying at the very lodge the community gets its name from. Some might have travelled in groups; others, alone. They might've thought it a good chance to get some shuteye after a long drive or maybe even engage in some tourism. Unfortunately (or perhaps even fortunately) for them, mother nature had other plans in mind. As the night progressed, a freak blizzard blew across Michigan, blocking all roads in and out from the lodge. And from what the elderly owners have said, it'll probably be a few days before the nearby roads are cleared and are safe to drive on. In other words: Might as well get cozy while it lasts.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] [indent][indent][indent][indent]Hey y'all! Name's Finne, and I'm here with a short, simple idea for a roleplay. Snowed Inn takes place off the beaten path in a large lodge, one so rustic it looks like it had been teleported hundreds of years in the future. Of course, that's not actually the case, but Pioneer Springs is still quite a relic nonetheless. While the lodge has been updated with modern features, some of it isn't quite as new. It doesn't get much cellphone service, and unless you want to watch VHS tapes or DvDs on a blocky television, you're stuck with books, board games and good ol' socialization for entertainment. Depending on how many people are interested in this roleplay, I may or may not keep spots limited potentially through the use of CS review. My main request, however, is that if you do show interest, please don't leave the roleplay mid-RP. Given that the characters are snowed in, it'll be impossible to fit in any new replacement characters/participants into the roleplay without a complete restart. If you have any questions or concerns, do let me know! I hope the idea's interesting enough for you.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]