[quote=@MacieLightfoot] Jessie Looked up and noticed a Riolu... She was not sure what to make of it and didn't know if it were friend or foe. Pidgeotto felt as if the Riolu was gonna attack her trainer and immediately launched a wing attack. Protecting Jessie... Jessie looked to then see a man walking closeby... [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/1-3.jpg [/img] Jessie: *Putting out her light and Blowing the rest of the smoke away* Who the heck are you? Just passing by? You... lost? She didn't know if she could just lower her guard and be trusting of the young man who came within her reach. She was defensive towards alot of people as the last two years were considered to be a notifiable nightmare to her. It made her untrusting of people. But for some reason... She couldn't detect a hint of danger coming from the man. Her Arcanine came out and sniffed the scent coming from the guy and it was then where it Growled once then howled in realizing that the man was not a foe. Just another fellow trainer. The rest of her pokemon just sat and enjoyed the nice fresh air... [/quote] "My name is James. James Jones. No, I am not lost, but my Riolu seems to want to change that." James chuckled at his own statement about Riolu wanting to get lost. "Riolu!" Riolu exclaimed as he avoided the wing attack. Then Riolu looked as if he was about to counter with force palm, only to be stopped when his trainer noticed and spoke to Riolu. "Riolu! No! No battles!" James called to the Pokèmon. Riolu calmed down, but kept his senses alert for more incoming attacks from Pidgeotto. "Riolu..." Riolu apologized. "Sorry about that. He is easily distracted at times. I guess it is because he doesn't know how to control his aura abilities yet, like a Lucario would." James said. "May I ask who you are?"