[h2][color=salmon]Hirani Blen[/color][/h2] [hr] With her task complete, the Jedi opened her eyes slowly to focus on Bocri. Without a second thought she stood to place a purple hand over the bandage on his shoulder and began to pour her own life energy into his open wound. The kolto infused bandage did a good job expediting the body's natural healing process, but she took it to a higher level. If one were to watch, they could see the wound close before their very eyes as muscle and skin cells reformed to become as whole as they once were before shot by a blaster. Hirani felt the pull on herself, as she always did when she healed, and left it so a faint scar was left upon his shoulder. It was nothing permanent and would rectify itself over time naturally. Once finished, she tapped his cheek gently with the same hand that she used to heal his shoulder. [b][color=salmon]"Come, they're fast asleep."[/color][/b] Hirani rearranged her bag to lay against her back and confidently turned the corner to walk onto the bridge of the Corellian Dawn. The twi'lek took a moment to appreciate the scene before her, a serene picture of deeply unconscious clones slumped in their chairs and sprawled over the consoles that controlled the every aspect of the cruiser. Despite the horrific circumstances that they found themselves in, Hirani was glad to have avoided killing any troopers herself so far but she knew it was like to change fairly quickly if they didn't find a way off this ship. [b][color=salmon]"Bocri, will you help me to drag them outside before we seal ourselves in here?"[/color][/b] As she voice her question, Hirani moved towards the closest clone and began dragging him from his chair to place him against the wall across the hallway.