[hider=Beowulf] Looks: [img] https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ZmUHGzudhl39tzAJFa1BY7sM8pc=/0x0:400x224/1200x800/filters:focal(52x38:116x102)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63688749/156365.0.jpg[/img] Outfit: [img]https://screengoblin.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/plannine7.jpg?w=325&h=243[/img] Name: Beowulf Gender: Male Age: 2028 Appearance: Standing at 5’2 and weighing around one hundred and ten pounds. Beowulf is what most people would describe as a typical grey alien, with large black bulbous eyes, a large head with a thin body. Long arms and legs that reach near his torso. His outfit covers most of his body, the material appears to be silver but is actually made out of material made on his planet. Nationality: Gaulians Personality: Beowulf is curious about all foreign life that he comes across, having a desire to study metahumans and other aliens that he has not seen before. An intellectual has a sense of superiority because of his race and abilities. Besides this negative trait, he is loyal to his friends and comrades. And is willing to help those in trouble. Being a bit of a smart aleck, always coming up with a witty comment to every situation. Powers: Psychic Powers- Beowulf has the power to move objects and even people with the power of his mind. He also has the ability to read the mind of others, and know when a person is lying or telling the truth. Weakness: Beowulf is not very strong and could easily be overpowered by a metahuman, or even a normal human being. Skills: Beowulf has expert knowledge in creating weapons and tools. Deciphering and, speaking ancient and dead languages. Personal Belongings: A necklace made by his mother, and an alien-like weapon similar to a teaser. Background: Beowulf was born on his planet called Valhalla, also known as Planet X. For most of his life, he would accompany his father to Earth to study humans and their culture. This led to Beowulf wanting to speak to the humans, however he was forbidden by his father, because of their race’s past with interacting with humans. But this did not deter Beowulf, who had visited earth on his own. His first meeting was with the Celtics during the 11th century, gaining the name Beowulf by the chieftain of a Celtic tribe. During what would be a regular visit to Earth during the 40’s, his ship crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. And has been stuck on Earth since then, trying to find a way home. Relationships: Mother and Father are alive, and Beowulf’s mission is to contact them somehow. [/hider] Let me know if i need to add or change anything on my sheet.