[hider=Chinami Nadakai - Camelot] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vzxvCpR.jpg[/img][/center] [color=DAA520][b]Name:[/b][/color] Chinami Nadakai (Camelot) [color=DAA520][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=DAA520][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] United States of America [color=DAA520][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Chinami is a young Goth woman of Japanese ethnicity. Though, perhaps most notable is how almost lackluster her version of Goth is, forgoing piercings, dyes or makeup. The only thing she seems to bother with is her nails and lips, to go with her jet-black hair. Standing at 5'10", she is fairly tall and obviously athletically inclined when she isn't wearing her jacket. Her hands are rough to the touch and clearly used to hard work. She seems to despise conformity and will forgo a student uniform at any opportunity (where it wouldn't endanger her enrollment enduly), preferring simple cotton tee-shirts with a black leather jacket and what are likely men's pants. If asked, she will only ever claim she refuses to give up having "real" pockets. Even when she does bother with the uniform, the best she will do is the girls' top and pants that match with the uniform color-code. Others may think her prudish, but she's honestly just really unused to the comparatively cold weather across the pond... and unwilling to give up pockets. Her magical girl form is bafflingly blatantly divorced from her normal state, both turning her hair blonde and ethnicity Caucasian. Her magical girl form's state of dress is another oddity, armored and exceptionally conservative compared to many of her peers. It is fairly easy to guess that this may be due to some form of strict influence from the legend of her Grimoire, enforcing a "proper" and "chivalric" state, while almost begrudgingly allowing for the armor to display the obviously feminine form within. [hider=Mundane] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IyG4H5a.png?1[/img] [/hider] [color=DAA520][b]Description:[/b][/color] [hider=Personality] Somewhat rough around the edges, Chinami is blunt and sardonic, often effecting an outward air of disinterest towards the troubles of others. She can be foul-mouthed and inclined to take the most practical approach over the moral, but despite this, she still seems to act in the best interests of others, even if her methods seem harsh. While she can be initially difficult to form connections with, she is a steadfast ally once a measure of her loyalty is earned. On the flipside, of course, she tends to take any form of betrayal incredibly personally. She seems to have a particular soft spot for the people she protects, especially children. It can be somewhat off-putting to see just how almost uncharacteristically kind she can be when in the service of saving others, but it is more than clear to the unbiased that she genuinely cares for those she holds to be under her aegis. In fact, she is known to often use her Round Table to feed the homeless in the mornings and at sunset, rather than dining alone; whenever she isn't needed at Merrywell Academy or as a magical girl, she may also do so at noon. Indeed, it is clear that when she bothers to put in the effort and allows herself to openly care, Chinami possesses a natural -if sometimes stern- heroic charisma. She is the sort inclined to solitary pursuits of video games and reading when she isn't training, but she is more than willing to tolerate large groups of people around her so long as they don't force her to participate in conversation. She is a relatively private person and is rather anxious when it comes to sharing her hobbies with others, but she will typically open up on her own as long as she is not pressed overmuch for personal details. She despises liars, and it is a large part of why she can be almost too honest at times. Though she will make allowances for herself to merely omit information or refuse to speak at all, Chinami is not the sort to lie intentionally. She attempts to present her truest self to others and expects the same from them, even without vocalizing it. Chinami strongly dislikes anything that might interfere with her mental processes. Alcohol and other addictive substances have been firmly avoided by her in the past, and she is zealous enough in this respect that, if they have even the slightest chance to compromise her, she'll take being in pain, rather than touching pain-killers with a ten foot pole. To say the least, she is not a fan of anyone who uses magic that could be even vaguely described as mind-control. She values Free Will above and beyond all other things. She hates the cold, misty weather of England. As her previous home was The Lone Star "summer is half the year, peasant" State of Texas, by her definition, London is practically frozen in perpetual winter. It even has the same lack of snow going for it! And don't even get her started on the [i]actual[/i] winter months. Not. Even. Once. She struggles in academic pursuits but has long since found herself to have real talent in martial arts; though she dislikes sports, seeing them as a needless responsibility. Despite this, she is frustrated by her struggles in areas that promise to be more conventionally profitable. This is because she ultimately desires to live as normal a civilian life as can be had in this strange world. If she had her way, she'd only use her powers occasionally as little more than a hobby. She is very easily stressed, seeing the responsibility of being a magical girl as a burden that she never asked for. She considers it a dangerous, unprofitable and literally dead-end profession. While she objectively respects those that protect humanity, she has never had any ambitions of joining them or putting her life on the line. Nonetheless, despite how much she would love to abandon everything and return to a normal life, she's never managed to force herself to get rid of her Grimoire and has instead guilt-tripped herself into continuing to go out to save those she can. At the core of her will to act is an all too infamous phrase: "With great power, comes great responsibility." Unable to trust that her power would go to someone better -or even someone able to use it at all, Chinami continues to march forward, accepting and owning her burden... no matter how much she might gripe about it. She is resentful of her magical girl transformation and the implications that it wants to "idealize" her into someone and something she isn't. She is also somewhat paranoid that her Grimoire -and those of other magical girls- may be sentient and actively changing them regardless. The only thing she likes about the changes is that they somewhat allow her to distance herself mentally from the embarrassment of being a "magical girl". Given how dangerous she considers being a magical girl to be, she is typically all-business in combat, forgoing quips and flips while doing her best to get both herself and her comrades through every fight alive and intact. She considers it her duty to protect her comrades just as much as anyone else, perhaps even more-so. She reluctantly understands that her powers are fueled by such banal things as "friendship" and "loyalty" and as such dedicates herself to being a light in the dark, the bastion who stands between evil and all that is worth protecting. As much as she despises it, she understands that these aspects of loyalty and comradery are what she must lean into in order to utilize her powers to the greatest effect. If there was ever anything she truly took to heart growing up as an American, it was a love for a single concept: Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Happiness. Even as she despairs at what she sees as the quelling of her own liberties, she knows that making that sacrifice allows her to preserve the lives, liberties, and happiness of far many more. [/hider] [hider=Opinion on the Ministry] She is not exactly what one would call a fan of the Grand Ministry. In the first place, the speed at which they found and recruited her unnerved her. She only took their offer because she felt like she had no other good options with her slipping grades... and because it was an easy way to escape the mounting pressuring of her parents. The fact that the Grand Ministry seems all too eager to concentrate the power of Magical Girls in one place further boggles her mind. Regardless of any potential training they could offer, Magical Girls effectively have a thinner presence worldwide as a result, and she can only assume people are surely being harmed as a result of lacking protectors. After spending two years in London at Merrywell, however, she has come to find an especially personal reason to be wary: The Grimoire of Merlin, which lies within the hands of the Grand Minister, herself. Chinami is most decidedly unnerved by the idea of a potential precognitive at the head of this institution, to say nothing of the implications of her own Grimoire and what might happen were she to allow herself to be guided by such a person. On the other hand, it does potentially explain how the Grand Ministry always seems to know where the Pageless will appear. Despite her overall misgivings, she takes care not to overtly display her mistrust except with those she implicitly trusts in turn. She is suspicious of the Grand Ministry's intentions, absolutely convinced that no-one with such a monopoly on power as they have could possibly be as good as they present themselves, but she has yet to see any actionable proof of wrongdoing. Until such a day as this changes, she chooses to remain outwardly cordial -if somewhat distant- towards the representatives of the Grand Ministry, taking advantage of their resources to continue saving people. In several ways, she is grateful for the opportunity they provided her to start fresh, but she innately distrusts figures of authority that seemingly answer to no-one. It is possible that this opinion may change given time, but it is unlikely barring an event of some significance. [/hider] [hider=Backstory] Born to a family of Japanese immigrants to America, Chinami lived a relatively normal life growing up in the more Austin-adjacent portion of Texas. As she matured, she came to know two very conflicting ideologies: the expectations of Japanese parents and the freedom to truly choose your own destiny that the USA promoted. She was constantly pulled at from two directions, faced with the academic expectations of her parents, while realizing that what she loved to do was more martial in nature. Because of this constant push and pull, Chinami eventually grew incredibly mentally drained and came to the conclusion that she might be on the verge of developing depression under the weight of both inward and outward expectations that she just never seemed to be able to meet. She could never understand or emulate her parents' workaholic nature and began to fall back on reading fiction and playing video games to give herself some kind of sense of completion in something. Still, such things were merely a stopgap for the inevitable, but Chinami ignored such thoughts of a gloomy future and turned her attention fully towards what she enjoyed doing in the short term, even if her parents disapproved. It was on one such day, a weekend dedicated to her hobby of reading at the library, that destiny struck without mercy. She had been in the middle of making book returns, when a Pageless incursion flared up. Being inside the quiet library, it was luckily quite easy to hear the brewing chaos. Even as she took cover, Pageless began to rampage through the building, and she was only able to watch helplessly as other people were cut down. The pit in her stomach of compounding awareness of both the uselessness of her academic ability... and now even martial ability when it really mattered eventually reached a breaking point when she heard an infant start screaming. Without giving herself any more time to think about it, she sprinted into the open and towards the sound, drawing many of the Pageless's attention, as she all but flew up the stairs towards the adults section. Her thoughts were a blur of [i]don'tstop/don'tthink/whattheactualfuckamIdoing(?!)[/i], as she pelted towards the sound, her vision practically tunneling and blurring from adrenaline, as the sound of clawed limbs tearing up the stairs behind her sounded out. By the time she reached the noise, the only thing she could comprehend was hurt person lying dangerously still, tiny person, and big black [i]thing[/i] standing over them reaching for the small one. Putting every last bit of strength her trained human body could muster into the blow, she scaled a desk with a single step and launched herself into the back of the Pageless with a dropkick with her full body weight behind it. Amazingly, it actually seemed to stagger the thing away, as Chinami scrambled off the floor to scoop the infant up into her arms, under absolutely zero illusions that this was a fight she could win. Her victory condition was to save the child. Even one person was better than nothing. Cradling the babe carefully, mindful of their neck, Chinami stumbled up just in time far a clawed paw the size of her torso to rake across her back and hurl her into a bookshelf. Stars in her eyes and feeling pain like nothing she'd ever imagined before, Chinami somehow managed the presence of mind to curl her arms around the child as much possible and brace, yelping in pain, as she absorbed the full remainder of the impact on her elbows. Crumpled to ground, Chinami heard an ominous creak and only had time to glance up in horror and brace herself for more, as the large bookshelf tilted and collapsed atop her, showering her with books, as she stubbornly continued to [i]brace like hell[/i] on violently shuddering elbows to stop herself from being crushed down atop the child. There was [i]pressure[/i] and the sound of chittering and screeches, as Pageless began to climb atop the collapsed shelf. Suddenly, an audible [i]crack[/i] and sharp pain ripped through the the small of her back before going horrifically calm and unfeeling. She realized with a horror that was muted in the face of the pain in [i]everything else[/i] and her own struggle to [i]keep planking[/i] that her back had been [i]broken[/i]. The pressure was growing, as more Pageless arrived in unison with Chinami's simultaneously rising despair and defiant rage. [b][i]Despair[/i][/b] at the futility of it all, at the fact that now she'd never be able to even do martial arts anymore. [b][i]Rage[/i][/b] at the unfairness of it all, at herself for being stupid enough to think she could do anything. But she kept [i]fighting[/i], because that was [i]all she had left[/i], because it was [i]all she was good at[/i]. And as the infant's screams reached a crescendo and Chinami's shoulders began to give out, her elbows and forearms involuntarily sliding away from where they were desperately braced, her eyes alighted upon a book, royal purple and gilded in hues of gold. Vision blurring from pain, the name didn't matter, only Chinami's desperate mad plan to take that book and -in the mere moments she had left- wedge it up so that it would perhaps miraculously hold the shelf up in her place. She would only have a split moment to act before the arm she left on lift duty would give out, but now was better than never! One arm snapped out clumsily for the book, numbed by a deficiency of blood circulation that Chinami hadn't even noticed herself losing. She fumbled but managed contact... and then had a moment of horror to realize the book wasn't hardcover -[i]but instead leather-bound[/i]- before the world suddenly got very very [color=DAA520][b][i]bright[/i][/b][/color]. All of a sudden, the book was gone... as was the crushing pressure. Abruptly, the absolute mind-numbing agony seemed distant and retreating, but the infant was still wailing, which was understa- Chinami froze, when she looked down and saw a pair of armored limbs on either side of the infant. With something approaching disbelief, she followed silver-clad fingers and arms upwards towards her shoulders- [i]Hers![/i] [i]Her[/i] limbs. Numbly, she blinked her rapidly clearing vision at the sight of hair drifting down on both sides of her head, hair like spun gold, like the furthest thing from her natural head of veritable ink. She could feel ([i]feel![/i]) pinpricks rippling through her lower back and legs, as though her legs were merely waking up from being sat on too long instead of what might as well have been death. She shifted, and suddenly, the noises around her seemed to regain clarity, as she slowly turned her head to see the sight of the bookshelf above her still shaking, claws gradually ripping through the divider. Dreaming. Was... was she dreaming? She had to be. She felt... so... [i]light[/i]. So... [i]strong[/i]. She lifted one arm. This time, it was... [i]effortless[/i] to keep herself braced on a single limb, as she reached up and just... [i]shoved[/i]. The bookshelf hurtled into the air, clipping the ceiling before flopping down, as the Pageless went tumbling headover-heels. In a daze, Chinami stood, scooping up the infant again with half a mind, her eyes glazing over the glimmering silver that clinked surprisingly quietly over her body, as she hushed and rocked the babe. The Pageless around her were scrambling to their feet. One lunged. Her arms were full... But she practiced Tae-Kwon-Do. Arms still carefully cradling the infant's head, one leg shot up, the form-fitting armor cladding it seemingly allowing for utterly baffling flexibility, as her heel hooked into the head of the offender and all but disintegrated it from the force of the blow, returning to the ruined flooring with a rumble of perhaps a bit too much force. [i]A dream.[/i] Her steel-clad toes crushed the face of another monster with a sharp front kick that flowed into a slashing round kick, her hips shifting sharply to facilitate the movement. Two more beasts seemed to be in states of [i]not very alive[/i], as her round kick made way to transition into another hooking kick, her heel caving in the next target's stomach, before chambering into yet another high forward swing that liberated it of its head. [i]All a dream.[/i] The infant wailed, clearly upset from all the sharp movement, even despite properly supporting its vulnerable, underdeveloped body. There were still monsters coming. She could hear them, and she knew they had heard her. Unacceptable. Pageless flowed up the stairs in even greater numbers: half a dozen, a dozen, [i]more[/i]. They were charging her, but it almost seemed like they were moving through molasses, as her right hand reached down and took hold of a hilt she hadn't even noticed before with the infant blocking her vision. Her left arm cradled the babe carefully, even as her right slowly drew upwards, bathing the world in light like the sun being born anew on earth. Pageless reeled back and screeched, even as the few remaining conscious citizens around her seemed able to easily look on in awe and hope. Symbols -[i]words[/i]- climbed up either side of the blade, written in ancient Brittonic. [i]Since when could she read Brittonic?[/i] [color=DAA520]"Take me up,"[/color] she couldn't help murmuring, as she turned the blade over. [color=DAA520]"Cast me away."[/color] [color=DAA520][i]You know its name.[/i][/color] [i]Did she?[/i] The Pageless were stumbling forward, seemingly regaining their bearings from the initial intensity of the light. Chinami's feet shifted under her, taking a [i]stance[/i], an abominable mix between a traditional back stance and something [i]she'd never learned[/i], as her arm rose in time with the enemy's approach. Her lips moved unbidden. [i]Huh. Looks like she did.[/i] [color=DAA520]"[b]Excalibur[/b]."[/color] The air thickened with power and [color=DAA520][i]glory[/i][/color]. Things started dying very quickly after that. The aftermath was... rough. Cleaning up the remaining monsters, realizing that her Scabbard could heal others (that it was the reason she wasn't a cripple) at the suggestion of one mythology geek among the civilians that had witnessed her fight, and spending over an hour trying to save as many as she could... It wasn't exactly the most glorious way to end her first day, but... The looks on their faces... The looks of gratitude on the peoples' ([i]her peoples'[/i]) faces was somehow the most... [i]something[/i] she'd ever felt. She struggled for words to describe exactly what flavor of satisfaction she was feeling and [i]why[/i], even as she managed to revert the transformation (and catch the book that appeared), but that happiness lasted about until she got home and had to deal with her parents again. She was long past curfew, having been quite held up saving lives, but it wasn't like she was about to explain that to them. This was [i]hers[/i]. Still, she wouldn't lie. She told them what happened. She just omitted certain details. Yes, she was at the attack. Yes, she was hurt. Also, a new magical girl's powers healed her, so everything was fine. Why was she hurt? Oh, she'd just been trying to save an infant. Exactly why was that bad? Did they realize how heartless they sounded? To say the least, she was grounded, and the resentment at home began to rise to rather... unfortunate levels. Honestly, the abrupt and frankly suspicious offer of overseas enrollment couldn't have come at a better time, which was even more suspicious as far as Chinami was concerned. She let her parents make all the assumptions they wanted, about how she'd actually secretly been productive by hunting down a scholarship that fit with her skillset. She didn't bother correcting them. It was better for everyone involved. A month later, at age 17, she was on a flight across the Atlantic with everything she could pack, feeling equal amounts of relief at escaping the majority of her troubles... and wariness at the new ones surely to come. By the present day, she has had her Grimoire for 2 years and has dedicated her everything to mastering her powers, seeing it as a matter of life and death, both for herself and those she must protect and fight alongside. [/hider] [color=DAA520][b]Grimoire:[/b][/color] [color=DAA520][b]Title:[/b][/color] Le Morte d'Arthur ([i]The Noble & Joyous Boke Entytled Le Morte Darthur Notwythstondyng It Treateth of the Byrth Lyf and Actes of the Sayd Kynge Arthur; Of His Noble Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, Theyr Merveyllous Enquestes and Adventures Thachyevyng of the Sanc-Greall and in the Ende the Dolourous Deth; And Departynge out of This Worlde of Them Al[/i]) (Yes, that is the actual, full name, holy shit.) [color=DAA520][b]Classification:[/b][/color] Legendary Grimoire [hider=Description] If you were to ask anyone if they knew who King Arthur was, you would likely be hard-pressed to find someone that would answer in the negative. The legend of the Once and Future King, who shall one day return to save Britain, is a tale that has roots as far back as 830 AD. In particular, it is the 15th century work of Thomas Malory that is perhaps the most well known retelling, a fantastical tale that did its best to string all the scattered pieces of King Arthur's legend together into a cohesive epic whole. The tale of King Arthur in many ways defined the very concepts of "honor" and "chivalry", and its influence shaped the image of knights irrevocably in the eyes of the civilized world at large. Despite being so objectively recent in human history on the whole, it all but defined the very concept of "knight", and given time and influence, it may yet possess the potential to become a Mythic Grimoire itself. [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=DAA520]Excalibur[/color]: The glimmering blade of legend and symbol of King Arthur's reign, even more-so than the Caliburn he drew from the stone, the sword features a golden hilt emblazoned by two chimeras, and engraved upon either side of the blade are the words "Take me up" and "Cast me away" in old Brittonic. When drawn, the chimera heads briefly spit fire and the blade shines with golden light bright enough to blind enemies, which it will continue to emit until sheathed. It is a peerless and unbreakable weapon that is capable of severing all but the most hardy substances, and though it possesses no ranged abilities beyond the light, should the wielder call out its name and pay a heavy toll of mana, it can strike a blow that will be guaranteed to pierce should the wielder's aim be true. [color=DAA520]The Scabbard[/color]: Merlin once chastised Arthur for valuing Excalibur over its sheathe, and, indeed, it was only by the treacherous Morgan Le Fay stealing away the Scabbard that eventually led to Arthur's end. So long as the Scabbard is on Chinami's person, she shall not shed blood from any wound, preventing her from bleeding to death (though she may still recieve grievous, disabling injuries). The Scabbard further induces the regeneration of wounds, even beyond the normal magical girl recovery, at a rate of approximately 1 inch per minute. If desired, Chinami may give the Scabbard to another person, bestowing the protective properties upon them instead. Though, while they will not bleed to death while protected, the regeneration takes 4 times as long as the proper owner's. [color=DAA520]Armor[/color]: A silver set of glimmering and form-fitting full-body plate armor, aside from lacking a helmet. Filigreed with gold, a white and gold tabard is worn atop it, along with a royal blue cape. The armor possesses no special properties beyond the enhancements provided by the transformation, but it is still armor and thus provides some level of greater than average protection. [color=DAA520]Peerless Knight[/color]: The supernatural strength, speed and endurance that all magical girls receive is especially strong in her, and she possesses a certain instinct for combat, wielding her sword not as a novice but like someone who had been trained from childhood. This instinct extends also to managing her armor and even how to interact with and ride horses... the latter of which she appears to be distinctly lacking in... for now. [color=DAA520]Knights of the Round[/color]: During the hours of sunrise, noon, and sunset, Chinami may utter a prayer to the Christian God to summon forth the Round Table for an hour, and it cannot be summoned again until the next qualifying time bracket arrives. The table is a strange existence with a hollowed out center, more like a ring of fused tables covered by a simple white cloth and manned by 10 chairs. The simultaneously strange and lackluster appearance is deceiving, for the table is one meant to comfortably host all who would dine with the King. As such, it shall grow larger for every new person who approaches with intent to sit, summoning forth new chairs for every single person... and always with but a single extra chair remaining empty and welcoming. Those that sit at the Round Table shall be presented with an extravagant never-ending feast, filled with hearty and nutritious meats (venison, beef, pork, goat, lamb, mutton, heron and poultry) and vegetables, along with all manner of other foods, both modern and ancient. Despite employing seemingly modern cooking methods, no deserts are present, as the table seems to only serve food of sustenance. The only exception seems to be drinks, among which are various wines, juices and water. Regardless, guests will find what food is present is always made to their liking. The promise of this ability is that "none shall go hungry", as all are meant to be equally satisfied by it. The food is filling. Even if someone only has time to take a single bite before the duration ends, they will gain enough sustenance from it to last until another meal. [color=DAA520]The Once and Future King[/color]: As the embodiment of the King returned to save Britain, she too defies death. Should she perish, she will return with the rising sun of the next day upon Britain with the Grimoire in her possession. Though, it has the caveat that the sun must rise on the nation of Britain specifically for her to be resurrected. If Britain is destroyed, it would mean her eventual end as well unless she established a new "Britain". Should she live long enough to see it, Chinami will further find that this aspect halts her aging process once she reaches her physical prime. Naturally, Chinami is entirely unaware of this ability. [color=DAA520]Heart of the Dragon:[/color] Within the legend of King Arthur, dragons are a constant presence, whether as a dragon-shaped comet, a house standard, or even quite literal foe of scale and claw to be slain by a courageous knight. There are moments of dragon slaying, and it is said by some that the name of Pendragon was far more literal than perhaps assumed, that Uther Pendragon's beastly actions in the course of wedding Igraine and fathering Arthur were born of a nature more... primal. This power is a manifestation of the strength and fury attributed to European dragons, taking form as reconstruction of the host's body to contain a thrumming forge of flame and magic. The changes wrought internally and externally by this forge of flame constantly temper and reforge the body against heat and fire, developing a high resistance -if not immunity- to both. The magical energy created by this forge is primarily suited for workings of flame, but with effort it can be molded for other pursuits and powers at Camelot's disposal. The flaming "Heart" grants the ability to explosively propel her body and movements through shoving its flames through her internals like steam through an engine, enhancing her strength and speed. She can redirect the inner pressure to expel the flames from her mouth like the breath of a dragon, and when she is injured, her wounds become somewhat involuntary exits for that pressure, spitting fire upon her near surroundings if care is not taken. These flames can be channeled through Excalibur to a degree, allowing her to ignite the blade with flames or use the expulsion thereof to rocket the blade about, along with herself by extension with proper orientation. The thrust is enough to maintain sustained -if rather rough- flight. Regardless of how she channels the flames with her sword, they don't remain magic-fueled much beyond the blade's length, akin to rocket emissions. Though, the embers are still capable of fire-setting collateral. The "Heart" is driven by the selfish, greedy instincts of a dragon, hungering for wealth and the pursuit of its own concerns, modeled after its host's deepest desires, which tends to create an aura of hostility to the senses of other magical beings, irregardless of whatever Camelot is truly feeling. In times where Camelot expresses particularly strong emotions, her body may undergo partial draconic metamorphosis, like her eyes taking on a golden reptilian visage or her teeth sharpening to carnivorous points. Her senses are dialed up, detecting scents, sights and sounds with far greater acuity. The more emotionally driven she allows herself to be, the more these changes progress, including crimson scales and even functional wings past a certain point. If she were to have a sizable emotional overload, she might even transform into a full-grown dragon outright. Outside of emotional lapses, she can choose to deliberately push the transformation along by stoking the flames of the "Heart" with her normal mana supply, temporarily agitating it enough to make the shift. Though, it is more draining to maintain without emotional fuel. Of particular, note, this ability does not go away entirely when her transformation ends. Her Grimoire has effectively turned her into a dragon compressed into human form. And while it certainly takes more effort to achieve and maintain the transformation outside her Magical Girl form, the changes she has undergone are extensive and lasting. [/hider] [color=DAA520][b]Misc:[/b][/color] [hider=Trivia]Growing up in an immigrant family left Chinami with the ability to fluently speak both English and Japanese, though she prefers the former. She's somewhat annoyed at the fact that she's practically a living Asian meme, given that she seriously practices Tae-Kwon-Do, but she's long since learned to put up with the teasing to continue doing one of the few things that's really "clicked" for her in life. She can't cook to save her life, unless it's something with instructions. In that case, she does just fine, but it makes good homemade cooking one of her favorite things when she can have it. [/hider][hider=Theme(s)] [hider=I Am Here] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bQ2ytyhr_E[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Hero's Determination] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WoXY3gVh7w[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Hold the Line] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqmO0b_JiPE[/youtube][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Story Beats] Saw this on a couple character sheets and thought it would be a neat thing to slap on my own to help me keep sight of possible character goals/development. No need to build anything around it. This is just for me to use if the story naturally presents an opportunity. The Grand Ministry: She doesn't trust them. No-one with the kind of power they have can possibly be as good as they present themselves surely? The only positive she can see in attending Merrywell is that it puts her in their center of power. Perhaps it's paranoia, but if sufficient proof of unscrupulous acts and an opportunity arises, she's willing to put herself at odds with them. After all, magical girls would be better off independent, right? To Be or Not to Be: Most children dream of being a superhero at one time or another, and Chinami is no different. She constantly struggles with her inward glee at suddenly having great power and the ability to use both it and finally make use of her talents in martial arts in a productive way, even as her common sense screams at her to find some way, [i]any[/i] way to leave it all behind. With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility: She didn't ask for it, but now that she has this power, can she ever live with herself if she refuses to use it? One day, she may have to find out. The Once and Future King: Having this particular Grimoire... and being in the seat of its power makes Chinami uneasy. Worse, she feels as though she is forced to live up to the ideals of chivalry within it in order to use her powers best, and she worries... Because King Arthur was not the saint so many think he is, the beacon so many idolize him as. Certainly, he had his good points. However, in the modern era, he would be a menace, and Chinami is all too aware that she could become just like him if she allows herself to be careless. She has come to the realization that she might just be power-hungry, and being in this location? It's far too much temptation. But one day, perhaps if she can muster the will and the conviction, she can leave that ghost behind and be even better than Arthur ever was. Lofty Expectations: She wields the Legend of Arthur in the heart of Britain. With such a Grimoire comes certain expectations, expectations she is not certain she can -or even should- meet. Purpose: Chinami has come to the realization that she has no purpose in life, no true goals within reach. Unable to meet her parents' expectations. Unable to even break through her own limitations and caught in a rut of highly-specialized talent, Chinami wants a successful and comfortable life but has no idea how to obtain it. She has fixated on this one goal for so long, admittedly influenced by her parents, that now she has no real idea what she wants from life other than to be happy. Question is: what will truly make her happy? [/hider] [/hider]