[h2][color=red]Rayth Garek[/color][/h2] [hr] [i]The next day...[/i] Rayth had an easy sleep. One of the few he had experienced in the past four months. Perhaps it was the promise of employment this day, or a full belly? More likely it was the enchanting woman he had flirted with all night. They had very nearly kissed on two occasions, but they had refrained. Better to know if they were both shipped off the next day, so they did other things. Cards, drinking games, Rayth had shown her the trick to throwing knives. She was good too, for a beginner. He half expected her to be gone by the time he stepped onto the last step that led to the common room. Instead of seeing Akilah, he saw the waiters moving tables about; the portly innkeeper watching the whole affair with her hands on her hips and a practiced eye, chewing on something between comments on the layout of the place. With her stood a man, weathered and aged, but not yet at the age of retirement. He bore a frock coat and wore a tricone hat, with a strong nose and a sweeping mustache of brown. He held himself in a way that spoke of combat experience. Rayth had long learned how to spot such a thing, and he eyed the sword at the man's belt as well. As if sensing someone watching them, the lady innkeeper and the fellow turned to regard Rayth, and the three exchanged looks before whom he assumed was the Captain gave a smile, gesturing Rayth to come forward. [color=7ea7d8]"Ah, you're the lad Minka told me about. The lady-killer. Well, you seem a bit older than she told me." [/color] Rayth grinned. [color=cc131f][b]"Acting like I was a boy, was she?"[/b][/color] The knave stepped forward, taking the captain's hand to shake. The shipman had a strong grip. [color=7ea7d8]"Aye, you're a young'un, but old enough to sail. That's all I care about."[/color] He assured him, but pointed a thick finger at Rayth to be wary. [color=7ea7d8]"Though if we get enough people I might have to test a few of you."[/color] A few vagabonds drifted into the Tacklerock, and a steady stream of regulars began heading in to get a quick bite before they would head off and unload the ships making berth. It was honest work, but too back breaking and too little payoff for Rayth's taste. He didn't want to die by the sword or the fang, but he'd rather do that than die knowing he never lived. Even the captain could see that glint in his eyes. [color=cc131f][b]"I can sail, fight, and take orders sir."[/b][/color] The knave said, giving him an equally strong grip before they let go. [color=cc131f][b]"I'm probably the most experienced man you'll have, though I think you'll have use for Akilah even more than me. She's got talents I'll never be able to do."[/b][/color] [color=6495ED][b]"The boy's right, she came in on a ship."[/b][/color] Minka said, and winked at Rayth. [color=6495ED][b]"Lovely girl. They'll both serve you well."[/b][/color]