"I do, it certainly alluded to that Trish, which means our families remain strong together hopefully if the kids were seen together in that vision" Kay replied to her as she let her put the chocolate chips in the batter. "It also means that Josh and Serena were cleverly mesnt to meet and be one" she added, "or that's what my sister Sam would say anyway" she smiled with a soft chuckle, thinking about what a hopeless romantic Sam always was and seemed to still be. With the chips put in, she grabbed the tray and walked to the oven where she opened the door and put the tray in, closing the door and leaning against the counter. Josh noticed her eyes glowing and instantly placed his hand on top of hers, squeezed it gently then wrapped an arm round her, "your eyes are glowing" he whispered into her ear as Chas listened to what she was saying, "no one can seem to kill Papa Midnite, it's best we don't confront him in a fight. Trust me, he almost killed John numerous times, he's not to be messed with" Chas explained back. "Chas is right lady, no one messes with that man. He's high up in the Downworld. You'd be beat to listen to Chas" the keeper chimed in. "if papa Midnite is involved in whatever you guys and John is? Then Midnite is pulling the strings" he added.