Needless to say, the tall-legged grey animals were rather startled when a small girl hit one of their number like a cannon, causing it to topple over sideways. With unusual, melodic calls, the younger ones scattered first, as the older jabbed and flailed their forelimbs at the attacker before eventually concluding it was a lost cause and loping after their young, both sets of limbs working in tandem in a strange, hopping gait. The one pinned beneath Alasayana's small body flailed and struggled, but naturally had difficulty rising. While their long legs allowed them to cover great distances quickly as demonstrated by the others, and they were clearly able to reach high sources of food because of them and their strange tongues, it appeared to be a struggle for them to get up quickly after being knocked over. It was letting out further distressed, melodic hoots. At least, of course, until Alasayana ended it however she chose. A hunter should know that a distressed prey animal would likely draw unwanted attention. Then again, they [i]were[/i] gods, so perhaps the potential of predators appearing was less of a concern? Shifting slightly uncomfortably at the sight of Alasayana's hunt(though she did not seem to think that it was wrong, merely that she'd rarely seen animals hunted in general), Flora held onto Ashte's horns lightly, scanning the forest for another few moments. "Um... I don't remember if there was anywhere good for a camp nearby..." she confessed, "I just remember going this way..." It was likely the little girl had simply not been the one in charge of making camp, and thus would not readily recognize such a location. The tall trees seemed endless, and while that obviously couldn't be the case it likely meant that camp would still be within the bounds of the forest. [@Martian][@Raineh Daze][@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist][@Renny][@Pyromania99]