[quote=@Dark Cloud] [@spiral origin] I usually try to come up with something descriptive, often the more specific is the best way to go. It might be helpful to keep a specific genre in mind when figuring out a name. Or simply use a generator or a dictionary. [/quote] My issue with something specific is that sometimes I'll want the RP's theme to stay open, so if I give it a specific name it feels limiting to the further development of the RP. For example if the RP starts out as people going on a fishing trip, and I name it "The Fishing Trip" or something, it makes it sound like the entire RP is going to be about the fishing trip and limit it to just that. When ideally I'd like it to be able to open up to much more than that afterwards and let it develop on its own. I guess this problem mainly pertains to RPs that don't have a specific theme, like open-world system/GM'd RPs, though it sometimes happens with normal RPs too where there are just some plot candies present but not a specific plot/theme. Using a generator sounds like a good way to get ideas, I will try that next time.