Aaron got his feet and looked around. He was used to living in run-down areas, but he was always curious about the other side of town, where "rich snobs," as his father had called them, lived. Aaron knew that his family most likely would never be able to live among the seemingly nicer parts of town, but that didn't stop him from being curious. Aaron glanced behind him at the run-down building that his family called home, before turning his attention back to what was going on in front of him. A Poochyena and a Houndour were playing with some sticks and stones, while a couple of Yamper chased each other up and down the street. [i]"We might not be wealthy in terms of money, but we're rich in terms of friendship and family relationships." [/i] Aaron thought, before getting off of the porch and looking for some Pokèmon to play with.