[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y6tEFKV.png[/img] [hider=❄]22 | Female | Freelancers | Meltwater Spring Moya-no-Yume | Dagger | Physical | Frosted Sheen Snowdrop Vestige | Sangfroid Convention Glacial Stream | Aqua | Rime Rose [Freeze, Slick] Damage X, Restrain, Extend, Construction, Trap, Enhance, Mark, Blink, Powerful DAMAGE: D | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: E | 750 PHYSICAL: E| ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | 750[/hider][sub][@BrokenPromise][/sub][/center] Of all the vehicles that had driven up to face the concrete barrier, there was one that stood out: a second-hand bicycle with a large bell and no light, the chosen steed of the Frost Maiden. Deciding to come to the party transformed this time around, Klava checked her reflection in Moya-no-Yume, ensuring that nothing was off, that none of the burn scars from her last run in with Sofron was still there. It looked good though. Perfectly clear and soothingly soft, with the charming plumpness of youth that all young ladies had. Ah, if only her Leitmotif persisted in her human form too, then maybe she wouldn’t have to spend so much on her skin routine. Well, she could also cut down on her love for food, but where’s the fun in that? Billy Black and the Mavericks all look suitably monstrous though, something that kept the freelancer on edge but only on edge. There was no point in stressing over what their enemies looked like, after all. The group that was [i]actually[/i] invading was going to be freelancers and Maverick espers, so it was very much just a matter of ‘attack things that aren’t espers. And friendly faces were all around too! There was Fable, the surprisingly spunky but also 100% precocious kiddo, already putting on his approximation of a ‘serious professional face, and there was ol’ (well, no, it was pretty likely that Protector was actually younger than her) Pro, a hulk in a coffin of metal, bristling with restrained threat. Apollo must be somewhere as well, though she hadn’t caught a glimpse of his dime-bouncing butt yet. As she began her own stretches in preparation for vampire-asskicking, Klava asked the decisive question: [color=6ecff6][b]“So, Billy, there gonna be on-site catering after this? That mansion looks like it could host a whole party, if ya catch my drift.”[/b][/color]