[hr][hr] [center][b][u][color=bc8dbf][h1]Konstantin Salazar The Wanderer[/h1][/color][/u][/b] Interaction: Jackpot, Picture Perfect, High Volt[/center] [hr][hr] Konstantin squinted at the assembled heroes, taking note of who they were as well as their respective body languages. It seemed that they were having an impromptu gathering in front of this pizzeria, perhaps because superheroes really had a thing for pizza, or someone had called up a meeting for one reason or another. That latter option seemed to be rather unlikely though, as none of them seemed particularly interested in sticking around. Hi-Volt looked a bit awkwardly at him, straight up telling him that she's just gonna go. Or something to that effect. "Oh, okay. That's fine," Konstantin said to her, tipping his hat to the other hero, if he could really be called one as well. "We all have a duty to fulfill, patrols to do. I for one, however, need to hear some gossip over a slice of pizza and a cup of tea." He turned towards Jackpot, looking at him from head to toe. Konstantin took note of the fact that both Jackpot and Picture Perfect were also social media influencers on top of being superheroes… he found that a bit funny, honestly. [quote]There was another man that seemed to come out of nowhere, asking if he was interrupting anything. “Not really, unless you’re a superhero too. Then this really turning out to be a good day for me.”[/quote] "Yes," Konstantin replied. "That I am… you're Jackpot, aren't you?" He held out his hand, his cerulean eyes looking right into the other hero's soul. "I'm Wanderer. I make portals like the local wizard, Doctor Strange, though we're quite different. Anyway, we got any bad guy dens to hit, or are we merely relaxing as of now?"