If anybody ever wanted to see proof that the town suffered from a drastic class divide, all they would need to do is go to the boarder between the posh districts and the run down one. Although there was no toll or barrier that officially kept them separate, nor any signs that stated or indicated you have crossed into a different district, it was plainly clear where the posh district ended and the run down one started. On the posh side of the boarder there are huge lavish homes with perfectly kept gardens on both sides of the walk-road, with the walk-road itself having well-kept grass and flowers neatly lining it... While on the run down side of the boarder there were only smallish sized homes that while safe to live in were not all that nice to look at and many did not have much of a garden to speak of, with the walk-road mainly consisting of just unkept grass and occasionally empty patches of soil. The boarder between the posh districts and run down one was not just obvious but sudden, with a posh homes literally next door to a standard ones, and the walk-road changing from remarkably well kept to messy grassy patches so suddenly it acted like a visual boarder line. Suddenly though, Harmony finally arrived at one of these boarders and stopped to take a look around, with her face changing from a determined look to one of horror. [color=8493ca]"Ahh, this is even more dirty than I feared, and I have no fear"[/color] she joked aloud to herself, trying to rebuild her confidence to get the task she assigned herself done. Harmony now mistakenly figured that her mother must of meant this area was much less fancy then elsewhere and needed some drastic improvements, and as much as Harmony loved the idea of improving the area, she knew she did not have the ability to remodel the homes as she was not a builder and she knew she could not fix the walk-roads as that requires a tedious amount of maintenance by multiple professional gardeners daily. So, she walked deeper into the poor district to explore it, hopeful that something she'll see will give her a grand idea of how to make this place as wonderful as everywhere else was. But as she walked around she failed to notice how plainly she stood out in the crowd of poorer children, with her perfectly groomed fur and unbelievably expensive posh branded hair-clips placed around tail and head that kept fur unnaturally tidy and pretty. As she explored the district, smiling and waving happily at others that only stared back at her from how out of place she looked, she suddenly stopped and gasped. An idea doomed to fail hit her, and although there was absolutely no chance it would ever succeed whatsoever, Harmony truly believed it was the most brilliant idea ever and that was bound to work flawlessly. See, In her life experience it was simply normal for adult Pokémon to have rooms or the entire home remodelled or rebuilt simply because they became somewhat bored of the design and felt like changing it for the sake of it, and although Harmony was only a young'en that did not own her own home, she has had her own room refurbished before simply by asking her parents to hire someone to change it, and as the cost meant nothing to them they thoughtlessly agreed. So, in Harmony's very naïve mind she thought that if she convinced Pokémon here to have their homes remade to look nicer then the area would look nicer too, being utterly unaware of how insanely ridiculous it was for her as a rich Pokémon to approach the poor and demand them to somehow find the money to build lavish houses so it would look prettier to her. She looked around eagerly, and the first Pokémon she spotted after her 'amazing' idea was a dirty looking Poochyena and a messy Houndour. She skipped over to them merrily and jumped in-between them, interrupting their game, and smiled warmly at them both before saying [color=8493ca]"Woah, you two are so dirty it makes this place look clean hehehe. Now, let me clean you both up and make you look all nice for your parents, oh and while I do we can talk about asking your parents about making your homes look better than any of these ugly thingies, hehe it's so yucky here!"[/color]. Naturally, what Harmony just said was not just painfully naïve, but completely offensive to the two children who just glared at her, stunned at what she just said. But Harmony was not trying to be offensive, she truly had only the best of intentions while completely being unaware of the class divide or social differences between her and the other two. Additionally, she was also trying to make a silly light-hearted joke as she always enjoyed making others laugh, but not understanding the social and economical context she was in, she had managed to inadvertently make the most offensive and condescending joke the two boys have ever heard. The Poochyena and Houndour then looked at each other for a moment, both sharing an expression of disbelief which then slowly formed into a mischievous grin, as they then both nodded to each other while giggling. They both quickly picked up a stick using their mouths and proceeded to hit Harmony with it, but not to hurt her in anyway whatsoever, instead they were doing this to get as much dirt as they could from the stick to end up on her perfectly kept fur, while the Poochyena mockingly growled "Oh, who's dirtier now, I hope you parents like your new look, little miss fancy pants". Harmony was being circled by the two Pokémon as they made her fur look dirtier and messier by the second, despite her pleading for them to stop... she was in need of a rescue.