The first blow is decisive. Penny’s hammer crashes down on to the head of the first drone, the machine unprepared for the girl to come ripping through the empty space in its sensors created by Cordelia’s mirror shield and Nicole’s battering winds. The robot buckles under the weight of the blow, joints shuddering and rectangular head caving inwards as electricity burns through its circuits. The crater-shaped indentation left behind is proof of the force of her blow, as is the sound of tearing metal as she rebounds to her next target. The second machine falls soon after, the first blow setting it off balance before it’s leg is taken out from under it. It careens into the first drone, the two crashing to the ground in a heap of metal. If there was any chance that they still had some fight in them Dana sees to that soon after, the quick bursts of light fired from her pistol puncturing through their exposed weak-points. The conflict is over quickly, but the threat of discovery still lingers over the group’s collective head. A second passes, then several more, strained minutes of waiting to see if the other machines in the distance will respond. They do not. Once the coast is clear, after a few words of congratulations from the officers, the Ars Magi and their charges are able to make it across the street to the parking garage that’s been named their target. It’s mostly standing, a looming concrete structure filled with dark puddles of rainwater and chunks of rubble. “Clear the building first.” Aiya instructs. “We’ll get set up near the top.” It doesn’t take long to so. The space is dark but mostly empty, home only to chunks of concrete and the occasional automotive skeleton illuminated in the cone of the officer’s flashlights. Once they reach the top floor Aiya gives the order to set up and Holst begins to unpack the equipment that the cadets brought along. It’s a small command station, a portable computer and what appear to be a group of baseball-sized triangular metal objects. Soon the cadet it speaking into a headset, checking in with command and giving a status report. “We’re holding here for now.” The cadet explains, “Waiting on instructions.” Minutes ticks by. From their vantage at the top floor the group can see out over the ruined district, their sightlines significantly less obscured than they were on ground level. Rain sheets down in the darkness, and here and there pale glow of Nox diffusers can be seen in the distance. Occasionally lightning lights the ruined skyscrapers and even more rarely bursts of light can be seen on the distant ground; other Ars Magi making their way through the night. Holst had the presence of mind to pack dinner, several chunky protein bars that she offers to share amongst the Ars Magi while they wait. Garnier remains on the relay, but Aiya is ill-content to let the time pass in silence. “I think I like your friends.” She remarks to Nicole from her perch on the hood of an old automobile. “How’d you learn out how to fly around like that?” She asks of Penny, turning to address the smaller girl. “Or does it come naturally? You did some real work on those robots, I’m sure some engineer in Juno will be very upset with you.” “And you’re a pretty good shot, aren’t you?” She says to Dana. “I hear you were pretty popular at our little ball, too. Everyone wanted to sit at your table. It could make a girl jealous.” She laughs, a high and pleasant sound before she turns her Cheshire cat smile to her next target. “Speaking of that—you’re dance partner wanted me to send his regards, Miss Whittaker. You must have made an impression. Someday you’ll have to dance with me too.” Another laugh, and she adds, “If our [i]dolcezza[/i] is willing to share you again.”