[quote=@BrokenPromise] [@Lewascan2] It's a weird deal. I mean yea, you want to let your fellow players know that you acknowledge their existence, but if someone does something less fantastical, I don't always feel the need to include it in my post. especially if there's already other people reacting to it. Though it also depends on who's writing and why. As for timing, I have some pretty funny stories about that, but I think everyone perceives it differently. We'll see about their relationship. Stripes has plenty of reasons to hate and like her. I'm not exactly sure how her skill spread will look going forward. I do think it's possible her core "anti-friendship" power might become more nuanced, but she's probably always going to be better off in smaller teams over "magical girl napoleonic warfare." The thing about the skills she learns is that while she'll have the most diverse abilities over time, she won't really be able to use some of these abilities like the original people can. As an example, if a pageless or magical girl can manipulate fire, stripes might learn how to cast a fire ball or some single spell from them. But that's really more at the GM's discretion. [/quote] For me, I try to consider if my post is going to flow well. Personally, I find managing timey-whimey shenanigans to be draining if it goes on for very long, so I usually try to streamline things in a general summary of events from their POV. I do tend to make exceptions for significant actions others take that just wouldn't make any sense for the character to not comment on specifically though. As for the interactions, yeah, I can definitely see the ways they might grate at each-other or alternatively get along. It might be a bit of a coin flip honestly. XD Ah yes, I was referring to "complimentary skillsets" in the sense that it assumes it's only the two of them working together in a duo or trio. Obviously, that may not be a likely/common occurrence, but that was the direction I was thinking in. On the other hand, the vibe I got from her so far is that she doesn't favor a ranged "blasty" strategy unless she has to and really likes her tiger form and assassination, so in that respect, the scenario I was considering is also defunct. And yeah, I did get the vibe that her powers more take a single "ingredient" from a target power and condense it into something she can use? It's a little variable, I'd imagine, since there's some level of DM fiat involved.