Glad to see this getting interest, I'm very enthusiastic about the premise of this RP & where it can go. Seeing as how it's gathered a bit of interest, I'll go ahead and get up the OOC/IC Thread up soon so people can submit characters. [@Red7VII]Glad to have caught your eye old friend! [@Martian]As of now I don't have a set character limit, so people can have as many people as they feel they can handle within reason of course. I like that idea for your Ultimates Character, and feel free to have someone in the Ultimates as well as mutant characters! [@sly13]That's the general idea haha glad you think so as well man! [@DClassified]Glad to have it! [@Sanity43217]Oh wow that's awesome, you gonna make that character in the Stark Family? I may feature Tony Stark as a living Canon involved in the RP's storyline, to what extent I haven't fully decided yet, but as mentioned he's one of the members of THOUGHT & helped develop the big bad of the RP aka KIVA. Anyway I love the concept now that I heard of it may even do some research on what comics It was in sounds like a good story to check out