--Sougo Tokiwa || Penny Polendina-- Interaction: [@Thatguyinastore] [@WhoTao] Sougo was still in his Fourze Armor trailing behind the Jet when all this happened. The jet was struck by a missile seemingly out of nowhere, which caused the jet to spiral out of control. Before Sougo could even try and move out of it, however, he was hit by the jet wing that was blasted off, causing the Rider to detransform as everyone fell to the deaths. However, in a stroke of luck, it seems everyone mostly survive. Albeit a tad wounded. Cuts and bruises, though strangely enough, no broken limbs. Yet. "[color=f49ac2]Ugh...Y-yeah, barely...[/color]" Sougo nodded, groggily standing up, rubbing his head. Combined with the strain of detransforming mid-air, it seems that Sougo's having a hard time standing up, wobbling as he checks his surroundings. They seem to be in some sort of amusement park. Well, not exactly an amusement park, but rather, an old factory sloppily renovated as one? The bumper cars are one sign. However, there's no sign of any debris from the plane crash..."[color=f49ac2]Oh god, did I drink the tea again?[/color]" Penny's systems booted up moments after the others had woken up. Running diagnostics, everything seems to be in order. Except for the fact that her left forearm is missing. "[color=39b54a]Oh dear.[/color]" The brown haired robot girl gulped, proceeding to hide the clearly robot-like detached arm stump behind her back, looking around for her missing arm. Meanwhile, somewhere near the hooded white haired boy, the young teen would find what seems to be a severed arm on his feet. Well, not exactly a flesh arm, but rather, a robotic arm--made to be eerily human. One could even see wires poking out of where the elbow would be. Who could this belong to?