[right][h1][color=D9CC47]Dune[/color][/h1][color=D9CC47]Mentions:[/color] - - - - [color=D9CC47]Location:[/color] Haven Academy[/right][hr][hr] [indent]It was right on schedule that the masses of would-be Huntsmen began to be ushered into the lofty interior of the Great Hall of Haven Academy. It was finally time. Dune could feel the excitement welling up further within her, but she made a point of forcing herself to keep calm, trying not to focus too intensely on the path to come and instead keeping her attention open to her surroundings. She could see the excitement in the eyes of many around her reflecting what she suppressed within herself - while in [i]others[/i] she could see clear anxiety. While she was hardly one to talk about expressing emotions, it was difficult not to wonder how one could wish to undertake such a path and not show confidence in their own abilities. One could only imagine the heroes monikered "Huntsmen" would be the most confident of individuals -- for how could thousands of people rely on you to protect them if you weren't? Though to be fair, not all wore their emotions on their sleeve. One fine example stood before all of them in the form of the Headmaster of Haven Academy - Goldi Lockhart. Dune watched the woman even as she scanned the lot of them herself. There were lots of rumors about the Headmaster of the academy, but that was to be expected of anyone of renown, really. Regardless, the Faunus' attention was glued to the woman as she spoke. The speech wasn't exactly.. what she expected, but truthfully a grand pep-talk wasn't too realistic for this line of work, now was it? What may have been disparaging sentiments to some only rolled off Dune's skin. She had long-since decided to devote what life she had to becoming a Huntress, and she had long-since started ignoring those who told her she couldn't or shouldn't do it. By now it was second nature to tune out all doubt. The golden-eyed girl patted her pocket, feeling the shape of the pamphlet through the fabric as it was mentioned by the Headmaster. The process behind the initiation was a bit weird, but she could only assume this was how it was always done - and she wasn't one to argue with results. Before she could even finish her thoughts the room fell silent -- the speech had finished as abruptly as it had started. And it was at that very moment that the first step of their first trial began. Dune had no intention of dawdling about - almost as soon as the headmaster shooed the would-be Huntsmen away with her order, the gray-haired Faunus was turning away and drawing the pamphlet from her pocket, her eyes scanning it as she began walking. The Celestial Swan. First trial. Patience. [/indent]