[@Lonewolf685] Ah, now that I reread it, Roma's ability is less "personality/mind reading" and more [i]desires/motivations[/i] specifically. In that case, lol, I wrote too much again, and I'll just tuck some of that back away I think. The only thing you probably need is what motivates her, that being: saving people, personal freedom and a peaceful life, avoiding being corrupted by power, discovering what kind of life will make her truly happy, obtaining power(?) (she's pretty sure she wants it to help more people but worries that her intentions could be corrupted if she gets more than she already has), and finally, discovering if the Grand Ministry really is as good as they present themselves. If I think of anything else, I can bring it up later, but those are the main things. In terms of gold tokens, that's unfortunately not really any different? She just doesn't desire gold/trinkets/jewelry enough to have any reaction other than "oh, neat" or an uncomfortable "you sure you want to give that to me? It would help someone else far more." She's just too lacking in greed and too inversely possessing of generosity.