[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210220/8dd594729d7c5da258ff04f0a96cacfe.png[/img][/center] [hr][color=9e0b0f][center]H A V E N A C A D E M Y G R E A T H A L L K I N G D O M O F M I S T R A L[/center][/color][hr] The joys of people watching kept Bren entertained until they were all ushered into the great hall to hear from the Headmaster who was not someone he was particularly familiar with coming from Atlas. He could read the mix of anxiety and excitement that was on the faces of most off the students that were standing around him. He was excited, that wasn't something he would deny, but part of being from a well known family meant keeping an impassive expression overall. Eventually he'd get out of that mindset being in school. Eventually. The Headmaster certainly was chipper. He was pretty sure he'd heard more encouraging speeches at the fancy party's hosted by the Atlas upper-class than the one she was giving. Still it seemed at least somewhat fitting since there was probably a high chance that at least someone would get hurt, maybe die, during training. He had no intention of being one of those people though. He was confident in what his mother had taught him and what he'd learned in combat school. Maybe it was meant to get those who weren't really committed to the idea of being a Huntsman to run out before the school spent too much time on training them. Might be brutal but at least it was honest. He was curious about what the hunting grounds were, as he imagined many of the people here were. At least those of them from outside Mistral that was for sure. He was fairly certain there was at least one other person from Atlas who was present though he hadn't spoken to her. Though he sincerely doubted that any of the people here from Mistral had any idea what it meant either. The initiation, as far as he was aware, was a carefully kept secret so that no one would be more prepared than anyone else. Nevertheless he was here to prove himself and there was no way he was going to let some speech run him out of the academy and back home. As the speech drew to a rather inconspicuous close and the hall all stared blankly forward he made sure to check his coat pocket for the ID that would get them into the hotel. Haven was nothing if not prepared it seemed. Patience didn't seem like too difficult a trial, though for some it might be a bit harder. He was content to stay inside and wait until they were retrieved. He side-stepped out of the way of a shorter student who nearly ran into him and was talking seemingly at random to whoever would listen, [color=9e0b0f][b]"Still excited even after that doomsday speech we just got huh?"[/b][/color] [right]Mentions: [@Eisenhorn][/right]