[quote=@Lonewolf685] If you controlled Soup you too may be as cool as this guy. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab0Ypr8vF2o&ab_channel=ZukieKins[/youtube] [/quote] Okay, I actually saw some of that a while back, loved it, and then completely forgot it existed. That was rather interesting. XD Still not on board with the soup thing though. Can't say why, but I just don't like it. Maybe the thought will grow on me later, but I've actually got a solid idea of what I want to do now, and random soup control is a bit... off theme? Ugh, suddenly, I actually started trying to think about how to [i]make[/i] it fit, and suddenly I'm thinking of another relative "quality of life" power like Camelot's Round Table (with ridiculously smaller scale, granted). Given my current concept, being able to always have snacks may not be such a bad idea, lol.