[centre] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220116/3366b2ec8b80b09c1b8968516ba4dac0.png[/img][hr] [/centre] [hider=Toda Ujiteru][color=A7CF00][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220116/3366b2ec8b80b09c1b8968516ba4dac0.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/932091406498037810/932105375635894282/tumblr_omv9sq2NaQ1v2uz3to1_400.png[/img] [color=A7CF00][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER] Toda Ujiteru, 34 [color=A7CF00][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Regito, South Osha [color=A7CF00][b]|[/b][/color] Oshan [color=18BED3][b][/b][/color] [color=A7CF00][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=A7CF00]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=A7CF00]► [B]Y.O.B[/B][COLOR=SILVER] - 1462[/COLOR] ► [B]Height[/B][COLOR=SILVER] - 5'10" / 178cm[/COLOR] ► [b]Weight[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - 179 lbs / 81.2kg[/COLOR] ► [b]Hair Colour[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - Blonde[/COLOR] ► [b]Eye Colour[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - Blue[/COLOR] ► [b]Class[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - Swordmaster[/COLOR] ► [b]Company Role[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - Sergeant-At-Arms[/COLOR] ► [b]Previous Occupation[/b][COLOR=SILVER] - Retainer[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/b] [color=SILVER][indent]One Toda Ujiteru has quite the build. Though not nearly as imposing and stocky as some of his mercenary counterparts, there's still quite a lot of meat on the bone from his 179lbs of muscle. However, such a below-peak stature has worked more favourably with his persistent fighting style. Of course, the blonde hair and blue eyes of the ex-Retainer were once a stand out feature in his home town, but as his travels have since taken over his life the features have simply faded into that of a normal travelling man. Surrounding his chin and mouth is the darker-toned beard that, whilst quite thin, does give that additional gristle to a somewhat stoic natural expression. And the dangerous life of Oshan political servitude has brought his face and torso with a few notable scars, with one prominent one located down his thigh. He is something of a rag-tagged traditionalist when it comes to his usual sense of fashion. The life of a mercenary is one of convenience to a state of affairs, and so he has made little effort to abandon the attires of which he brought and maintains with him. Outside of combat, he typically wears a faded and [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0272/4878/7592/products/long-linen-japanese-kimono-robe-cardigan-for-men-black-564557_2400x.jpg?v=1627206342]lacking-in-beauty robe[/url], with lighter toned shirts beneath them. Though, that's mostly for other climates, the true homely attire comes when he stacks it with layers upon layers of scarfs to match the mountains and reaches of his homeland. But most definitely, his combat attire and armour remains the most familiar. A scuffed and largely [url=https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/792/639/png-clipart-nioh-2-role-playing-game-video-games-playstation-4-true-heroes-action-figures-thumbnail.png]unceremonious set of light, flexible retainer armour[/url] hailed from Osha, also padded out with warmer sets of clothing.[/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/b] [INDENT][color=SILVER] Outside the hours of combat and work, there lives a sort of mixed-bag of moods. He's professional in most senses, but that hasn't stopped him from easing up around the mercenaries around him. It's a trait he's carried with him for a while, that business-like sense, but the business of a Retainer often gave him ample opportunity to speak out. His reservations are loosely kept if he feels strongly otherwise and has, in the past, been outspoken towards a few contracts and group performances in debriefs. But the hardened side is easily let loose when the mood calls for it. There's benefit to being able to unwind, to drink and to sing in the hours of success, but unless the individual has prompted him with a topic far less serious than that of the Company's functionality, he remains staunch on his approaches to most on-the-job scenarios. Alternatively, as previously mentioned, there is a side of relaxation. Some may have called him a bore for his love of reading, and the occasional pastime of painting when the days are set to be long and eventless, but he persists, for the decorations bring out a new set of life and, in some swindles, profit. But he's a mercenary, and mercenaries aren't known for being entirely quiet. The rowdiness can persist to levels of his companions, but in dangerous scenarios, it's with focused eyes that he remains calculated and quick on his feet. As such, there's a small aspect of deviance as to why he bands with such mercenaries. [/color][/INDENT] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b] [hider=The Life of Toda Ujiteru][INDENT][color=SILVER]Osha's brilliance stemmed from what many considered to be its thriving place on the continent. Trade was guaranteed in most large towns, and down in the south, by the waters of the coast, but a few notable ports were hosts to trade, influential business meetings and, more importantly, the diplomacies that occurred outside of Queen Ilha Fujuri's earshot. It was almost the perfect setting for a young Toda Ujiteru to thrive. Born to a merchant family, Ujiteru instead took inspiration from a local teacher - his uncle, Toda Iemochi. Unlike his father, his uncle had taken the fruitful life of a Retainer, heavily leaning into political protection and a life of graceful defence. And, as most fighting men do, he went against the wishes of his family and fell under his Uncle's tutelage, where he began his specialisation of blades and swords. But of course, the training life of a Retainer came with the skills of reservation, diplomatic insight and the loyalty instilled within those they serve, so long as the price remains right. At age seventeen, a young Toda Ujiteru emerged as a secondary Retainer beneath his uncle, who in turn answered to a local Lord, Bito Nobusane. Banditry could be an occasional problem the further north tradesmen went, and in the mountains lurked many threats to the personal gains of lords across the South. Bito Nobusane's influence, however, resided within those mountains, and he saw fit to barter and disrupt the schemes of vultures on high rocks. The Lord himself attended many of the diplomatic meetings with his Retainers, and Toda Ujiteru learned greatly of the weaponised tongue. Stoicism in an approach, whilst not always successful, led to prominent influence, and the earliest teachings of politics within Osha surfaced. However, the Lord's efforts were mostly in vein, and skirmishes between his hired forces and the bandits were frequent, allowing the younger Retainer to spend two years honing his skills. He became enamoured with a pride that came from Osha's rich landscapes. The markets that sold, bought and expanded profits throughout the towns became something to protect, rather than something to crack down upon, bar illegal sales, but as his role became less caught in the conflicts of interests with banditry, he fell further into the knowledge of wider influences. He never saw himself as anything other than a Retainer for his life, as his Uncle had done so for the entirety of his, but it was when a supposed shipwreck victim was placed in Nobusane's holding cell that he was indirectly faced with a future employment opportunity. The Kitsune washup went through standard procedures, and Toda Ujiteru was given ample opportunity in the day she spent in holding to question her. In talks about their lives, he suggested that she were to turn to mercenary work, so long as her work never brought her within Osha's borders - unless she were under their contract. This conversation instilled the mercenary life within his mind, though always at the back, as he soon became bogged down with the politics of Osha. There weren't many who paid much attention to the flow of diplomats and reaches of foreign superpowers. Many Oshans remained unbothered by the greater meddling of Nohr and the far closer Hoshido Empires. But when Ujiteru was twenty-five, Lord Nobusane was murdered after he became very vocal over portside diplomatic dealings. It was as he lobbied for Lords and Ladies, even the Queen herself, to begin vetting the claims of legitimate undermining from, particularly, Hoshidan political figures. Of course, the desire to stray further and further from the Solar Throne painted a great target against the culturally similar, yet far removed society that Osha boasted, and the Gulf it primarily traded through was a thriving hotspot of convenience for all nations that held prominence there. Nobusane's murder was discovered to have been done by Ujiteru's uncle, a man who'd been bought out and - from the younger Retainer's point of view - had become disillusioned with ideas of sphering creating prospective growth at the cost of an independent culture. Ujiteru was shortly whiplashed into subtle, quiet and largely unseen political rivalry. Lords and Ladies feuded in secret, mostly beneath the Queen's nose, to better gain a foothold in what exploded into a cesspool of futures for Osha and its throne. It was during these times when, after months of drifting and switching Lords, Toda Ujiteru fell under the servitude of one [url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/4f/e0/b7/4fe0b7edc008992383f16946f8be61be--female-samurai-samurai-art.jpg]Lady Naitou[/url], an eccentric sleuth who seemed more mysteriously driven to retain Osha's complete independence. However, her methods were bolder, typically making chess pieces out of her contacts, and though he remained as her Retainer for a year longer, she soon convinced him to assist the cause beyond Osha's borders. He was given no direction, only a few contacts to begin life as a Mercenary, sacrificing the Retainer life for what she saw was a mean to an end. And through a few pulled strings, Toda Ujiteru arrived at the amassed Silver Hawks as a forgettable addition to their ranks. And slowly, over time, he felt his distance from his homeland show as he grew attached to the band in which he'd been given to. He still heard from Lady Naitou, through small and subtle means, and still retains a sense of attachment to her, though his options and knowledge of where he sits has grown so muddied that the Silver Hawks themselves have become a home for him. It was only recently, however, with the ascension of a familiar Kitsune that Toda Ujiteru was pulled into a state of importance, as the Sergeant-At-Arms, in what was to be an uncertain future for the Mercenaries. [/color][/INDENT][/hider] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]S K I L L S[/sub][/b] [color=SILVER][INDENT] [color=silver][b]Light-footed:[/b][/color] Paired with great stamina and quick-thinking, Toda maintains his combat style with speed to greatly empower his sharpened strikes against opponents. And though his armour is durable, its comparably flexible to opposing platemail armour sets that rely far more on taking hits than avoiding them. [color=silver][b]Man of the Arts:[/b][/color] Aforementioned was his interest in painting and, on a lesser known scale, singing. Between the violent life of mercenary work and the brash splendours of inter-battle life throughout the Silver Hawks, the hours that be equally spent working on visual or aural crafts help to hone the stress-less attitude towards his position of responsibility. [color=silver][b]The Virtue of Patience:[/b][/color] A benefit of being a retainer before a mercenary was that the expectations of lucrative results were tendered and brought down to reality. To him, there was no gold in rushing into the silver mine. [color=silver][b]Hands covered in Dirt:[/b][/color] Though ultimately locked to an ideal, he remains unafraid to paint his hands in dirt and blood, should it be for a purpose. Senselessness may be his enemy, however he knows that cleanliness requires the removal of grime, and one can only do so without impunity. [/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]W E A P O N S[/sub][/b] [color=SILVER][INDENT] ► [color=A7CF00][url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/932091406498037810/932131077051519037/imperial-yidao0.png] Tang Dao - Styled Sword[/url][/color] ► [color=A7CF00][url=https://a.1stdibscdn.com/wakizashi-samurai-short-sword-tsunahiro-school-circa-1550-1650-by-tsunaie-for-sale/1121189/f_162729811569658985072/16272981_master.jpg]Smaller Wakizashi[/url][/color] [/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/b] [color=SILVER][INDENT][hider=Noriko Aburaage][centre][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/535722469303255040/932119295528427530/unknown.png?width=900&height=676[/img][/centre] [i]Noriko Aburaage[/i], having recently ascended to the rank of Captain, must have a lick of trust and respect for Ujiteru in order for him to be selected as the Sergeant-At-Arms. He was unaware as to why, specifically, as the reasons tended not to be disclosed beyond the odd [i]'getting the job done'[/i] motif, but it did come as a slight shock to himself. Ujiteru had thus learned to respect her, though with one eye shut. She's interesting, albeit how the two would work together in the Silver Hawks' hierarchy is yet to be tested. [/hider] [/INDENT][/color] [color=SILVER][INDENT][hider=Matsuyama Izumi] [i]Matsuyama Izumi[/i]: the closest reminder of his own sponsor. He couldn't say whether she'd made her place within the Silver Hawks or not, so much so with all the distance she had made in the menial tasks of training and so forth - yet he'd worked with her before. He'd once considered her to be more of a lapdog of his own benefactor, more so catering to the idealist than the ideal, yet he eased that mindset over the first weeks, simply keeping an eye on her from afar. Either way, a second Oshan was all but the best for him. [/hider] [/INDENT][/color] [color=SILVER][INDENT][hider=Beato][centre][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/933205885797425203/933221766891966485/unknown.png?width=607&height=676[/img][/centre] [i]Beatrice Rothschild[/i] - or the affectionately grateful Company-wide alias of Beato - is one of the strangest members to Ujiteru. Why? Well, she's one of the most lively and giddy-like members of the Silver Hawks. A barterer, a singer (or rather a "Belter"), and a lot of charm to boot. He [i]really[/i] didn't like her at first. The whiplash from Osha's reserved political landscape and the nature of holding one's tongue as a Retainer left to an immediate clash between personalities, but he never showed much more than a stifled look. But as the months dragged on, he slowly found himself unable to separate the Silver Hawks from those like her, the people who had all the triumphant presence such as herself. The two share the common interest in singing, and whilst she is likely leagues ahead of himself, he has kept such an activity of his own a secret from her. And though he can joke around with her and talk very casually, that little bit of "holding his tongue" is still present, and he has been yet to tell her that he appreciates her. [/hider] [/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]T R I V I A[/sub][/b] [color=SILVER][INDENT]► Immaterialist, exemptions from traditional items ► Stores a few of his artworks in a kitbag ► A somewhat gruff Oshan accent, but easily understandable ► A bit too caring for his swords [/INDENT][/color] [hr][color=#2e2c2c]-A Template by Load Wraith[/color][/COLOR][/hider]