[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JueD0M2.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][right][h3][u]Location[/u][/h3] Haven Academy, Celestial Swan[/right][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][right][u]Mentions[/u] [/right][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] As with the rest of the students, Artemisia soon found herself in the large room with the rest of the academy newcomers. A quick look around revealed her the location of Midori, the student she spoke with right before coming in here. She also spot the taller guy she almost had a fight with. Truth be told, he was hard to miss with his 6'5 height, towering over the others near him. The rest were unfamiliar faces, except maybe for a few who seemed to draw attention back when they were outside. In a way, headmaster Lockhart was as Artemisia imagined. She looked like an experienced Huntress and spoke like one, with an assured tone and going to the point, something which the red head respected a lot. Her speech, however, was different than what may have been expected from a Headmaster. Then again, it made sense. This wasn't some school, it was a Hunter Academy. Everyone here would soon risk their lives: while studying to become a hunter and for the rest of their lives. If this speech would deter anyone from marching on, then surely they were in the wrong place to begin with. Artemisia listened intently to the speech, as was expected of her, then confirmed her identification card was in the pamphlet. After the whole thing, she left and headed straight to the Hotel. Everyone would end up over there anyway, so if they had to discuss might as well be in the comfort of the Hotel. Once over there, she would check in, find a comfortable enough seat in the main lobby and crashed in it, sighing deeply. [color=ed1c24]"Patience? Man... that's just plain bad luck."[/color] Artemisia...wasn't known for her patience. Still, orders were orders. Maybe there was some kind of place to practice while waiting in this Hotel?