[@Lonewolf685] Having finally gotten Roma's first POV, I already love everything about her. This is most certainly going to be an interesting time going forward; she definitely feels like your passion project for this story. Don't get me wrong, Suzuya is absolutely great too, but Roma definitely gives off the feeling of being the character you made first (which she is) and fleshed out most, even with a single post from her so far. She just needed a far more particular opening to enter the narrative. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what other kinds of ripples she plans to set in motion. And let me just say, the timing and location of her depositing the gold coin was inspired. Despite Camelot's paranoia, it does seem as though there is now an in-character path towards her not just chucking it. She's still not likely to keep it long-term, but I'm already putting a little side plotline together involving it. Me: *realizing I'm going to need to go on another history/research binge to figure out exactly what kind of gold coin Camelot would most likely historically have... and its worth in modern British pounds* [hider=Here we go again] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.I2g4-GOPhfbIfd7o_gp7pwHaHa?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] [/hider]