[centre][hider=Kaevius Mercarian][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211208/c74d12e522e452bb5aea0e5767795a9b.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/68ee634232181d0bbc6d4066443b5b6a/tumblr_pqfkm7aRmu1s8qqn5o2_1280.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Kaevius Mercarian[/color] [color=Gold][b]Race[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Turian[/color] [color=Gold][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]29[/color] [color=Gold][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Bisexual[/color] [color=Gold][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Male[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [hider=Full Body with Armor] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f4aba2623f1610bbd03abd84aaa36d18/tumblr_pnpdodyaef1qkzw1t_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=Silver]Kaevius is tall and well built like most military Turians with a stark white carapace that is decorated with the black markings of his family and uniquely gold eyes. He keeps himself well put together whether it be with his armor or when he is relaxing in his more comfortable clothes. He has surprisingly kept himself mostly free of scars due to sheer dumb luck most of the time, and wearing a helmet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few that are scattered underneath the armor. He tends to keep to neutral colors that more closely match his complexion than anything bright. [/color] [color=Gold][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]6' 5"[/color] [color=Gold][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]When on duty Kaevius has a strict no nonsense type disposition. He understands the necessity of following orders and playing things careful and safe in order to protect the well being of the team and make sure that the mission goes smoothly as his trainers and COs taught him over the years. There isn’t time for hesitation when lives or the hood of the mission is on the line, so snap judgements need to be made. However, when he's off the clock he is more than willing to let loose a little bit and have some fun. When not on a mission he likes to keep things light and avoid serious topics of conversation, unless strictly necessary. This doesn't mean he's oblivious or lacks insight-he knows full well how to read a room and when it's time to sober up. A lot of his jovial nature comes from a desire to cover up the stress and anxiety of the aftermath of the Reaper Invasion, and try to do that a bit for others as well. The only time he’s really quiet when off duty is when he holes himself up with his weapons in order to tinker with them. Being a sniper makes him highly observant and patient, which translates into the time he spends around the crew. He can frequently tell when someone is struggling with something and he will try his best to help, if he can. The stark difference between the two sides of his personality can be somewhat jarring to those who haven’t spent more than one mission on his team, which is something he finds rather amusing. Most everyone expects Titian’s to be no nonsense rules followers all the time and he revels in breaking that mold.[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Rank/ Role / Specialty[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Turian Navy Lieutenant/ Infiltrator/ Weapons Specialist [/color] [color=Gold][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=Silver]M-97 Viper M-3 Predator M-15 Vindicator [/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/b/b2/ME3_Disruptor_Ammo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/40?cb=20180206000841[/img] [b]Disruptor Ammo[/b] - With a focus on tech it’s important to have an ammo that can damage shields and synthetics. Adding an electric field to his ammo for additional damage and possible disable will do just that. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/0/0b/ME3_Frag_Grenade.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/40?cb=20180206035042[/img] [b]Frag Grenade[/b] - Kaevius doesn’t like to use them often, but when he’s in a bind ripping enemies apart with shrapnel will do. [color=Gold][b]Powers/Skills[/b][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/4/42/ME3_Incinerate.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/40?cb=20180206071924[/img] [b]Incinerate[/b] - Fires a plasma projectile that does bonus damage to armor and inflicts ongoing burning damage to unshielded foes. Suffice to say it’d be foolish not to have something that can damage armor as well. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/0/02/ME3_Tactical_Cloak.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/40?cb=20180206224727[/img] [b]Tactical Cloak[/b] - Employs light-bending technology to render the user invisible at the cost of shield regeneration. Kaevius mostly uses it to slip undetected into position so he can take a clean sniper shot or hit a weak armor point with incinerate. It’s the most important power in his arsenal. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/2/2c/ME3_Proximity_Mine.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/40?cb=20180206204452[/img] [b]Proximity Mine[/b] - Deploys an explosive mine that triggers when an enemy comes within proximity of or crosses a sensor laser. Enemies suffer more damage the closer they are to the mine. When combined with is tactical cloak and a bottleneck ambush this power is incredibly useful. Luring enemies near it with a few well placed shots also works. [hr] [color=Gold][b]Biography[/b][/color] [hider=Early Years] [color=Silver]Kaevius was born shortly after the beginning of the First Contact War in 2161 to a family of, at the time three, and quickly became the focus of his father's attention. Having an older sister meant that he was the first born son and therefore was meant to follow in his father's footsteps and join the military and become an officer. High Admiral Costus Mercarian is a well known name across Palaven and the Citadel which puts a great deal of pressure on Kaevius for the sake of the family name and his people. His father served in the First Contact War and, supposedly, held the ear of the Turian Councilor, but he never confirmed or denied the statements; preferring to let the people add to his heroic standing. This didn't mean that Kaevius had a difficult or unloved childhood. Quite the opposite really. His father and mother both doted on him, as much as Turians do, and he found himself at the whims of the universe when it came to what he wanted to spend his free time doing. Much of that time was spent with his best friend Lucus Scrilin in the forests and fields on his family's property playing soldier or whatever else caught their fancy. He remained friends with Lucus all through boot camp and all through his service in the Turian Navy, and then on The Citadel for a brief stint of time until the war. Being the first son his older sister, Iciana, got somewhat pushed to the wayside in his favor leading the two of them to have a less than friendly relationship for most of his youth up until he left for boot camp. Before he left she got married and moved away, he never expected to see her again and at the time his adolescent brain told him "good riddance" which is something he would come to regret years down the line. On the other head the birth of his younger brother Tiberius brought about a whole new series of fun things to do with the younger Turian and his father greatly encouraged their closeness and interaction as time went on. Even before he went to boot camp the two of them trained with Costus on simple hand to hand and how to shoot the most basic of weapons. At the time it always just felt like another fun game, but he is more than grateful for his father's careful guidance. Boot camp came with more difficulties than he'd ultimately anticipated. He fun loving and jovial child he had been was quickly squashed by harsh COs and difficult training regimes in order to prepare him for work as a military officer, which meant even longer than just the required year of training. Once he let the COs think they'd worked the sense of self out of him and left behind a structured and obedient soldier his life got quite a lot easier, but that didn't stop himself and Lucus getting into trouble after lights out. Thankfully they never truly got caught or he would've seen the last of officer training. Instead he passed with flying colors and was assigned to a field unit where he spent the first part of his career working on fighting ground troop pockets of mercenaries and slavers all over the nearby systems and even leading a few teams himself. It was exciting and let him get an idea for the kind of work he could do across the galaxy, but he felt like he wanted to broaden his horizons, and what better place to do that than on The Citadel.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Leading up to the Reaper War] [color=Silver]A little before Saren's invasion of the Citadel with Sovereign and his geth army Kaevius began work with C-Sec after coming to The Citadel as bright eyed as any young recruit; looking at the arms and vast number of ships that sped in and out of port. It was exactly the kind of place he had always wanted to see and he took no time in learning the ins and outs of every place that criminals might like to hole up. Not to say he didn't spend time enjoying some of the finer things in life that could only come with working a Citadel job, but the COs didn't need to know about that. Working with C-Sec was different than working with the Turian Military and thankfully he was already accustomed to the amount of red tape and bureaucracy that comes with serving in a structured organization. It was a bit of a step down from leading field teams, but what he ultimately wanted was to serve in the Turian Navy and any connection he could get would serve him well. He kept his nose to the grindstone and worked hard to prove himself an asset to his superior officers and hopefully get recommended to a ship within the Turian Navy so he could explore the stars as he and Lucus had always imagined when they were children. Things were going well until Saren's invasion where he mostly focused on helping people evacuate with the occasional run in with pockets of geth that sent most of his C-Sec team scattering. He took a few good hits from the synthetics, but thankfully none of the civilians he needed to evacuate got killed. The rest of his team was not so lucky. A blown hole in the side of the arm they were serving in sent more than a few out into open space without a suit. With the destruction of Sovereign by Commander Shepherd, a man that Kaevius had a large amount of respect for, he was able to turn his attention back to the protection of the Citadel. What he couldn't believe was that after the invasion the Council seemed disinclined to believe the Commander when it came to the threat of what Sovereign truly was. A Reaper, according to some of the interviews he saw, but he kept his mouth shut and let the Council say what they wanted. He knew the Commander wouldn't have lied about as big a threat as this, but its not like there was anything he could do about it. He only heard rumors of the fights with the creatures known as the Collectors and the involvement of the human supremacy organization Cerberus. He was grateful that none of that fight made it to the The Citadel, the last thing they needed was a second invasion just after everything had been mostly fixed. Based on the reports and hushed words that he heard he couldn't help but think that the Commander had a point and that they were up against something far more dangerous than just the geth or Collectors. [/color] [/hider] [hider=The War] [color=Silver] With the recommendation of one of his commanding officers at C-Sec Kaevius did get the post he was seeking with the Eighth Assault Fleet that served in Citadel space. He served under Velnus Domidros. A stern "lifer" who'd been serving in the Turian Navy since the moment he was able to. The older Turian must've seen something in Kaevius and took him on as a sort of apprentice. Teaching him leadership, command, and what became a massive hobby for him: weapon modification. Unfortunately he didn't get to spend much time with the Eighth Fleet as the Reaper Invasion took quick hold of many systems. They got reports of whole planets and even solar systems going dark across the galaxy and it didn't take long for them to understand why. Shepherd had been right all along, and they were going to have to fight. The Eighth Fleet was quickly called back to Palaven and Kaevius decided to utilize his time working as a field leader on the ground to his advantage. As much as he wanted to stay with the Navy ship he knew where his specialties would be most well utilized and he wasn't about to let his own wants get in the way of what was best for Palaven. He quickly found his father, who had previously been in the Reserves, and joined up with the troops that were under his command. He also found that his mother and brother were able to get off world-Tiberius taking up the responsibility of taking care of her. He also learned of the death of his sister and her whole family. While he had never had the best relationship with her, he never wanted her dead and this lit a fire inside. He would not let anyone else he cared for die in this war. The fighting on Palaven was brutal and bloody, that was the arena he spent almost the entire war in. They had holed themselves up and it was siege at that point. He went out on the occasional raid with his father in an attempt to thin the herds of husks, marauders, and brutes or just keep communications up and running. One raid went horribly wrong and left the majority of his father's troops too mutilated to move or dead where they lay. An ambush set by marauders in a choke point that was run down by a brute. Efficient and deadly-just like the Turians. He stood by his mental declaration at the beginning of the war and saved his father. They were the only ones to make it back to base, bloody but alive. His father fully lost one of his legs to the tearing strength of the brute, but that didn't stop him from getting back out and giving orders. At that point Kaevius knew he couldn't give in either. When the Battle of Earth began preparations he once again joined up with the Turian Navy Fleet, though he was upset to learn of the death of his CO. He joined in with the fleet and watched as many other ships were shot down by the Reapers. He could feel his determination flagging the wave of red light shut down all of the Reapers and just like that the war was over. He knew that it would take months to get even the most rudimentary jump ready with how damaged the relays were, but just like everyone else he was happy to know that they weren't all about to die.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Post-Invasion] [color=Silver]After then invasion Kaevius lost a little bit of direction. With the death of his sister, the loss of his father's command, the knowledge that his best friend was declared MIA, and the general reeling that the whole of the galaxy was going through he found it difficult to find the drive to do anything more than watch the world go on around him and the surviving members of every race begin to rebuild. It took several years before he was actually able to pull himself out of his torper and try to find his way in the world again. He found that direction with the Citadel Security Fleet. The new initiative gave him back that sense of camaraderie that he was lacking. With his assignment to the Intervention and the new crew he hopes to be able to at least somewhat restore that sense of wanderlust and excitement that he had so many years ago.[/color] [/hider] [color=Gold][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Mother: Allonia Mercarian: Alive Father: Costus Mercarian: Alive but crippled in the Reaper Invasion on Palaven Younger Brother: Tiberius Mercarian: Alive Older Sister: Iciana Mercarian: Dead Best Friend: Lucus Scrilin: Unknown CO: Velnus Domidros: Dead[/color] [color=Gold][b]Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver]TBD[/color] [color=Gold][b]Character Theme[/b][/color] Will add [/hider] [/centre]