[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][u]Wooded Area[/u][/b] Well, to say the least the fact that it was weird to see more or less looking at another version of himself was more then a bit of an understatement. Like this was more then a little bit freaky as he watched his counterpart continue to zip around and bug Sabretooth, and clearly he was cackling more then a little bit. Pietro glanced towards Runa as she made them invisible, and the word that she mouthed made him get a little sick to his stomach. This version of him was a [i]killer[/i]? Runa would easily be able to tell that Pietro was not too thrilled and was a bit freaked out over what she had more or less been telling them. Klara was remaining fairly quiet, as she was just watching to see what was going to happen. Quicksilver managed to land a punch on Sabretooth rather easily, but only because Sabretooth had stopped trying to hit him and just sort of standing there. [i]"Oh come on, what's the problem now?"[/i] Quicksilver asked Sabretooth, sort of sounding annoyed and taunting a bit. [i]"This is getting boring in general! Why did you stop?"[/i] Sabretooth didn't seem to answer, as he started sniffing the air, as if he smelled something, before he let out a bit of a low growl of sorts. "We're being watched," he growled, before starting to look around the trees and everything, as if expecting to see someone there, and his eyes narrowed. [i]"Look, if you want me to go scouting, all ya had to do was ask,"[/i] came the speedster's response, before he raced off into the trees themselves. Thankfully, Pietro noticed something, and very quietly moved Runa gently off to the side a little bit more, as a gust of wind raced past them, and if Pietro hadn't moved her, his counterpart likely would have ran into her. Eventually the speedster zipped back into the clearing. [i]"Well there is literally no one out there, I would have seen them even with them hiding in general you know."[/i] Sabretooth did not seem at all to be too convinced about that and started moving towards the clearing, right towards where the group currently was hidden. [i]"There are people there, even if you can't see them."[/i] he growled again. [b][u]New York Alleyway[/u][/b] She turned and looked at Guin, and her eyes seemed to flash with a sense of recognition, and then clearly some anger as she saw Guin's face. Her eyes darted over towards Annie now, and she'd have a hint of recognition and the same anger clearly evident on her face. "Stay the hell away from my brother," she snapped instantly, before electricity started darting along her skin, and jolted out at the pair of them, zapping them but not seriously, and knocking them backwards away a little bit. "You think you can mess with my head and trick me? Well think again!" When the electricity hit Guin, she'd get a flash of memory, but this time, she [i]knew[/i] for a fact that it was something that [i]she[/i] had witnessed, but, well, it was a little bit strange. It would stand out to her mind, but it was almost like it was her memory, but yet it wasn't hers. What was this memory? Well when she scanned Lance's counterparts mind, she had seen everything through his eyes, including his own death. This time, she was watching that moment from a different point of view, her own, and in the memory, she'd see Pietro look at her, as if sort of saying [i]Are you going to try and stop me?[/i] but she didn't do anything, and with one swift motion he ended up snapping his neck. Annie, well she would end up with a similar sort of experience, with a memory that appeared to be her own going across her mind, and it would appear to be hers, but something wasn't quite right with it. She'd see the memory, of the day her mother died. Or well, the day her [i]parents[/i] died. Instead of going out to the market, she along with her father, were still at home with her mother when the Purifiers attacked the home. Annie would vividly remember the memory of both of her parents ending up dead, and unfortunately for her, she'd end up as an orphan in the foster system. This was the only memory that was different, so it was a bit confusing, compared with her other memories of her father. Lance was confused for a moment, but almost like a bit of an understanding or recognition crossed his mind, and he instantly grabbed onto the stranger's arm. [color=yellow]"Lana stop it alright? Look, I get it we've both kind of been through hell for the most part, but that doesn't mean you get to just show up and act like you are the boss of me!"[/color] he snapped at her, but the thought crossed his mind that he didn't actually know who she was. Actually, he didn't know who she was, and he didn't know what he was fully referring to. He did remember that she was somewhat, at least when they were younger, important to him before she seemingly disappeared, for some reason. "You need to not be hanging around [i]them[/i] Lance and you know it!" she snapped back at him, yanking her arm free from him. [color=yellow]"I can hang around with whoever I want to. As I said, you aren't in charge of me."[/color] "Feels like I am since most of the time you wander off to another drug dealer!" [color=yellow]"What I do is none of your business!"[/color] he snapped back at her, but now this situation was oddly familiar. Like they had these sort of arguments and fights all the time. As if they were like that and fighting constantly, and once again, this was not something he'd remember. Actually, he had no idea why he had these sort of vague memories involving Lana, when he had no other memories of her, and her words about a drug dealer or something didn't [i]surprise him at all[/i]. Now he was insanely confused. [b][u]The Mansion[/u][/b] Downstairs, Mary was looking around, wandering around the hallways. One thing that was obvious though, was that the illusion didn't hold in the basement levels. It was clearly old and worn, as well as abandoned just in general. [color=007236]"Danger are you here?"[/color] she called out again, before her vision blurred, and everything seemingly went white, as if she was in a rather large white empty space. There was a large door ahead of her, and she seemed alone, at least for the moment. [i]"Welcome..."[/i] a voice said somewhat softly to her, as if appeared just to be in her mind or something, and now she was more then a little bit confused as to what all was going on at this point in time. Meanwhile, back upstairs, nothing seemed to really be going on at the moment with regards to everything. With the people moving around, you would have thought that there would be the sounds of footsteps, but it was oddly quiet aside from the voices. At least, it appeared that way at first, After a moment, there would be another sound in the area, it sounded like footsteps, but they were off. Scrapes and scratching, as if metal was dragging along the floor with every step the person took. Of course, there would be a jolt of something off occurring with both Ed and Bethany, something that might potentially be a little distracting for a moment from them. Let's start with Ed. He'd remember everything almost like it played out, Thanos' attack in Cardiff that resulted in the death of his family. However, something else happened afterwards in the fallout. He'd remember being approached by a group, something that was a bit off of course, a woman who introduced herself as Emma Frost to him, and she offered him a chance to ensure that nothing like what happened in Cardiff happened elsewhere. And to have the power to be able to protect anyone that he might care about in the future, and to prevent others from harming anyone ever again, and she gave arguments as to how humans have been attempting that sort of thing all the time, and the arguments at the time seemed to make sense to him. Where her group wanted to more or less be at the top of the world, and have that sort of power to protect others. This memory would appear in his mind, but it wouldn't make too much sense with every other memory that he has, which is a bit confusing. Bethany meanwhile, would have a memory of the day that her family died, more specifically in the time immediately following after it, her time spent at the orphanage. A [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/69/Sage_%28Earth-TRN674%29_from_The_Gifted_%28TV_series%29_Season_2_7.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181120085434]woman[/url] would show up one day to talk to her, about what happened with her family, introducing herself as Sage. She would offer to take her in, go home with her to a group known as the Hellfire Club, who would help her to get revenge on those responsible, even though the main group was dead, Sage explained that there were people just like them still out there causing issues for other mutants. Eventually, with the conversation, Bethany would end up getting taken out of the orphanage and going off with Sage, but that was where the strange memory would end. The world would snap back for them though, as the scraping and scratching footsteps would start to get closer and closer to where they were. A shadow would appear at the top of the staircase, and Bethany would be able to recognize her (even though it had been a while since she physically saw her) whereas Ed would not be able to tell who the person was. A [url=https://static3.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Danger-attacks-opponents-in-X-Men-Comics.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=737&h=368&dpr=1.5]robotic woman[/url] was at the top of the staircase, and one thing Bethany would easily notice was that something was up with her, as the wires looked to be a bit busted in places, and the parts around her head seemed to be a bit rusted. The holograms would react to her presence, making it obvious that she likely was the one responsible for creating them, as several of them seemed to wave at the robot who was there. Bethany would know, that the woman wasn't typically activated unless the mansion was in serious danger, or something horrible had happened and that's what caused her to appear. The instance where Mesmero invaded the mansion and turned the group against one another was the last time she appeared in person. [i]"Hey there Danger!"[/i] the holographic form of Mary would call out to her with a wave. [color=8A8E4D]"Bloom, a mission has appeared, the rest of the team is already heading for the war room, you would do best to join them,"[/color] the woman spoke. Ed would recognize her voice belonging to the AI that was in control of the Danger Room training sessions. Bethany would notice a few things that were definitely off about her voice though. Her words were stilted, as if she was short circuiting every so often, as if she was partially damaged, but not enough to cause too many issues. Actually, that would explain a few things about her, and the holograms appearing to glitch, as Danger seemed to be old, and have been left alone by herself. [i]"Thanks Danger, I'll see you later then!"[/i] the hologram Mary said with a wave, before she took off towards what would have been the elevator, before disappearing entirely. Danger's attention now turned to look towards Ed and and Bethany, as if wondering what to say to them. [color=8A8E4D]"Unidentified visitors to the mansion, state your names and purpose for your visit,"[/color] she said in the same stilted tone, before a few holographic spikes appeared surrounding them, prepared to run them through, and if they were poked they would feel [i]very[/i] solid. [color=8A8E4D]"No one is here, no one, left me alone, I am here, and it is my duty to protect this school. No unwanted visitors allowed."[/color] she was rambling a little bit, and every so often her head was twitching as she spoke. The real Mary hadn't popped back up yet, so they were stuck with the robot, who seemed like she might have a few screws loose.