As the Lucario laid down atop his own hammock, which naturally Fifi had already assumed was somehow hers now, Fifi purposefully jumped atop his chest with quite a bit of force, trying to keep him awake for as long as possible. She whispered to him [color=00a99d]"I'm the best princess ever, but that means you have to give me snuggles like my daddy did"[/color] she demanded, despite her pleading eyes making it look more like a beg. She then patted her paws up and down on him to keep him alert so that he could not fall asleep. Seemingly getting her own way, Fifi was given a cuddle by the Lucario, although one that seemed to keep her in place more than anything else. Still Fifi was happy with that and stayed put, purring somewhat, although she occasionally started forcefully patting her paws on him when he started drifting off to sleep to keep him awake and prolong the amount of time she would be cuddled. After a few minutes she spoke in a whisper [color=00a99d]"I wish daddy was here, he liked cuddles too... he was taken by those meanies, and it makes me feel sad. I... get super sad at night and am bad as it makes me cry-cry, but now I can be a good princess and not be sad. You can cuddle me and *yawn* we can... umm..."[/color] Fifi lost track of her thoughts as she gave a long and sleepy yawn. She was clearly fighting to stay awake and her eyelids barely remained open at all, but unluckily for her as the Lucario spoke back to her he started stroking her ears, which was too much for Fifi to take as it relaxed her and after only a few seconds of it... She fell asleep peacefully. The next morning she awoke first which was not unusual given that she always woke up before even dawn arrived, a habit she had to form to constantly keep escaping rescue centres throughout the years. As Fifi awoke she gazed at the Lucario who was still asleep and frowned, before gently whispering "When I find daddy I'll tell him how nice you are, I promise". This was pretty much routine to Fifi at this point, each day she awoke feeling sorrowful as she thought about her previous owners, and once again planned to herself how she would 'find them' today. But unlike her normal morning routines, this time she had to give up something she really enjoyed from the night before, a connection to somebody else. This was hard for her to do and so she just gazed at him for awhile, before finally deciding that if she stays any longer she might somehow miss an opportunity to find her 'parents'. So, she enacted to the escape attempt she always did to escape from rescue centres, after checking the bad weather was gone first by looking through the window, that is. She jumped down onto the floor and bolted at high speed to the nearest exit, and just like in her rescue centre escape attempts, she did not recall where the closest exit actually was and so bolted downstairs running in practically every direction until she found an exit. Once she was outside it was just like any other successfully escape, where she would sprint forward in a single direction until she became too exhausted to keep going or no she longer could move forward for whatever reason. In this case it was her inability to move forward, as after a while she ended up in front of a river that was too large for her to jump across. Stopping, she looked deeply in the distance while speaking aloud [color=00a99d]ohhh, ok ok... I did it...but...hmmm...I wish I knew which way to go to find you daddy, and you too mommy, but I don't know what way, I hope its this way[/color], she then turned left and started to follow the river down. But after a few steps she noticed her legs needed to recover from her previous sprinting and so she laid down and relaxed, and there she stayed trying to regain some energy [color=00a99d]"ughhh I hungry again, I wish I could have milky again... But no... need to find... no no no"[/color] she again started to sob before falling back asleep listening to the flow of the river.