[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come[/center] [center]Lvl 8 (80/80) -> Lvl 8 (82/80) [/center] [center]Word Count: 345 words[/center] While Geralt was waiting for the effects of his potion to kick in, he pulled his crossbow from its holster and waited for a moment where the Orphan was free of friendly targets that he could accidentally hit. Loosing a pair of crossbow bolts in quick succession, Geralt stowed the weapon and drew silver once more, drawing the Sign of Quen in the air to protect himself. While he knew from a painful experience that it wouldn't protect him forever, or even from most of the effects of a single blow, any harm it could spare him from could very well be a life saver in this fight, be it his or another of the Seekers'. Slowly, carefully, moving back in on the Orphan as the pain dulled into an acceptable light throb, Geralt spun his blade with a quick flourish in a very vain hope of distracting the thing. He had no idea what its mental capacity was, whether it had a fondness for shiny things, or could be easily distracted, but any moment of respite was welcome. Speaking of, as he closed the gap, Bella and Nadia were holding the thing down for a moment to attack. His advance was too slow, however, to take advantage of that gap in its frenetic attacking. While this was for the best given that the Guardian broke free of their grapple, it was unfortunate that Nadia had to suffer for it. He'd seen what her Life Gem was capable of helping her survive, in some cases absolutely lethal blows, but the sheer force this thing was unleashing had to be dealing damage that was also harder to see. As Geralt, Bowser, and Link all descended upon the Orphan of Kos, the Witcher kept his guard up, focusing on avoiding the thing's wild blows while trying to get in a few cuts where he could. At the moment, he'd take what he could get. If the others opened an opportunity for him to strike, he'd take it, but knowing how hard this thing hit kept him cautious.