[quote=@James Davy] Donald stood back and listened in on the interview. "They do say that music doth hath charm to soothe the savage beast," he said to his disguised Zorua. "Zack" agreed with a nod, thinking back to his battle with Brionne—back then a Popplio—and how she used her Sing to lull him to sleep. He wondered if it would work against two rampaging legendary Pokémon in lieu of the third member of that trio. [/quote] It was after the interview was over that they were inside the Pokemon center and started to get them checked out and healed. Jeremy and Sandy knew that with all things considered... they'd have to come to terms with the idea that something would have to be done about the danger which was gonna be awakened and brought back to life... out from a slumber. Lisa and Nicole were captive of Team Aqua. Their mother Macie was captive and held prisoner by Team Magma. Two teams had members of their family and it was only leaving the stakes to appear rather much higher. The interview did manage to find out who Donald was and with the cover story given... it provided a veil of secrecy so nobody could come to realize he was part of the Rising Star family. Jeremy: Next stop is St.Louis. But on our way there... The halfway point... Mt. Sterling. Darlene: It's a long way away from here... isn't it? Sandy: Not too far. It's only halfway before St. Louis. From there... it's like a heading straight for Cleveland. After passing through Mt. Vernon. Saphiroth: That's gonna take us a while. Anistar: Possible. Alice: *Calling out her Onix* Come on out, Onix... Time to grab some good ole' exercise... "Onix" The Onix was a hulking height of 11 feet. Anistar: *in shock* WHOA! That Onix is Gigantic. Look at the size of that thing. [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/another-jeremy-lightfoot.-digitalized-version-5.jpeg[/img] Jeremy: That Onix is known to be king sized. Doralee: And how... Gee Whiz! Where did you find that fella? Alice: Actually... i didn't. it was more like he... found me. Ross: A fated encounter. Lucky one too. *Grins* Within moments... they were off and on their way...