[color=#1aa3ff][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/7abdfa9500473b15d206d2f3f6f55307.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/159157279547470842/EA3900FDA6F428C8AAB38251658001A53246FC39/?imw=450&impolicy=Letterbox[/img] [color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]I R L[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Sophia Johnson[/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - 18[/COLOR] [B]Place of Origin[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - City of Dallas, Texas; United States[/COLOR] [b]Occupation[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Soon-to-be University Student[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [sub][b]A V A T A R[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Character's Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Artemis[/COLOR] [B]Pathos Affiliation[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Thyrien[/COLOR] [b]Role[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Hybrid Caster DPS/Support[/COLOR] [B]Profession[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Enchanter/Alchemist[/COLOR] [B]Weapon of Choice[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Artemis’ favored weapon is Prostasía, a simple-yet-elegant silver recurve bow with four runes carved just above the grip on the weapon. The weapon’s drawstring appears to be from a string of pure moonlight, glowing dimly on its own, and able to fire the magical arrows created by Artemis. The weapon serves as her magical focus, and her spell casting is VERY limited without it.[/COLOR] [B]Domains[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Fire, Ice, Light; Enhancement, Manifestation, Restoration (Minor).[/COLOR] [/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Impulsive[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Artemis is not one prone to thinking before she leaps. A strange trait for somebody so attuned to alchemy and practicing magical arts. A trait which has directly led her into several close calls with exploding potions while trying to practice mixing them. This impulsive behavior carries over into every aspect of her daily life. A fellow adventurer in danger? Not even a second of hesitation, Artemis will leap in to help defend them. Another egging her on and baiting for a fight? Artemis will throw hands without thinking of the consequences. Drinking Contest at a Tavern? Oh, you’re on![/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Selfless & Loyal[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Artemis, despite being a rather impulsive girl, also has quite the loyal side to her. For those she has come to call allies and friends, there is just about nothing that Artemis wouldn’t do for them. Her selflessness shows strongly in this situation, as she is always eager to help others who might be in need even if she does not know them. These two together often have Artemis preferring to expose herself to danger instead of others. Almost as if the girl were terrified of losing even more people to this digital hellscape...[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Monophobia[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Perhaps a leftover from past traumas, Artemis is deathly afraid of being alone. While at first, she might come across as just an overly friendly, flirtatious, and extroverted girl, those getting to know Artemis would soon find that her desire to spend time with others goes much deeper. When at all possible, Artemis will spend time amongst others. Needing the comfort of another, even for such simple tasks as sleeping. When finding herself alone, Artemis’s anxiety starts to build until it gets to the point she can no longer contain those anxieties, and nearly shuts down completely in her panic.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// BENCHMARKS][indent][SUB][b]B E N C H M A R K S[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Elementally Charged[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]The core mechanic to Artemis’ playstyle, Elemental Charges augment each of Aretmis’ spells to unlock much more powerful variants as she works through her combo. Each of the three elemental runes starts off glowing the color representative of their element (Fire - Red, Ice - Blue, Light - White). These runes can be activated in any order and at will, granting their effects to all of Artemis’ spells and charging the fourth rune, which will feature all three of the previous colors when charged: > [/color][b][color=f26522]Rune One: Fotiá[/color][/b][COLOR=#807B84] - The Flame rune, this rune augments all of Artemis’ spells with a fire-based effect. Effects such as additional fire damage, or applying a DoT to a target. > [/color][b][color=6ecff6]Rune Two: Págos[/color][/b][COLOR=#807B84] - The Ice rune, this rune augments all of Artemis’ spells with an ice-based effect. Effects such as additional ice damage, applying a slow/freezing effect to a target, or ‘freezing’ the effects of a debuff on an ally. > [/color][b][color=#C0C0C0]Rune Three: Fos[/color][/b][COLOR=#807B84] - The Light rune, this rune augments all of Artemis’ spells with a light-based effect. Effects such as additional light/radiant damage or beneficial buffs to a target. > [/color][b]Rune Four: Synergía[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - The fourth rune represents a Synergy of the three elements previously used by Artemis. By combining their might, they create a fourth rune that has only one ability; Aktí Selínis, a massive and blinding bolt of energy charged then fired from Artemis’ bow. The attack does massive damage to all targets in a line, then the fourth rune drains as the other three recharge for a short duration. Charging this fourth rune is determined by the usage of the previous three runes. The more often a rune-based effect (DoT, Allies within an area, etc.) ticks, the faster the fourth rune charges.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Alchemical Inclination[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Per her profession, Artemis has spent a fair amount of time learning the ways of Alchemy. Brewing various potions which can be used for a variety of purposes. Healing, Mana Restoration, Buffs, Enemy Debuffs, or even to stave off hunger for a time. So skilled has she become in brewing these potions, that Artemis is able to turn a decent profit selling these potions directly to other adventurers, as well as to shop NPCs to resell in their own stores. While Artemis will occasionally brew potions as a gift to those in need, she typically will only sell these potions at her asking price, refusing to negotiate with others.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Agile Combatant[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Relying heavily upon her own agility, Artemis tends to favor avoiding attacks with quick movements and jumping to safety as opposed to taking the hit directly. At range, she uses this agility to move between her casts and avoid blows that would otherwise take her unawares. Within melee range, Artemis uses this agility to dodge around her opponents, under attacks, over opponents while aiming to create a gap between herself and the target. Never once does she stay still long enough for a solid attack to land on her person.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Arcane Inclination[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Being so heavily reliant upon magic, Artemis has spent a fair amount of time studying the various domains of magic. Over time, Artemis has started to apply her studies to more… practical uses. Whether it be delving into dungeons and using the arcane arts to sniff out [i]magical[/i] traps or to sense when spells are at work (either recently cast, or already cast) within her immediate vicinity. Artemis also has quite the scholarly interest in magic and frequently will set herself to researching any magical anomaly outside her understanding. As such, Artemis is a rather knowledgeable girl when it comes to magic.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Sophia is a rather ‘conventionally’ attractive girl, standing at about 5’6”, with an athletic build and a brilliant smile that only adds to her glowing appearance. With dirty blonde hair, fair skin, and vibrant blue eyes; Sophia has never really struggled with confidence in her own appearance. With a toned build, a result of her constant involvement in track & field during high school. She doesn’t fit the stereotype for the type of person who would be heavy into games and the likes, but those stereotypes couldn’t have been more wrong in her case. Her avatar within Pariah is rather different from Sophia’s appearance. Standing at around 5’2”, she is noticeably shorter within the world of Aetheria. Artemis features silver eyes and raven-colored hair, accentuated by paler skin. Still keeping her toned figure, Artemis has opted to wear a hooded cloak over her clothes when in the field, wanting to avoid the attention she would surely get due to her figure. When at a tavern or the likes, Artemis will often leave the cloak behind for tighter clothing, showing off a bit of midriff. Yet still, she keeps to darker colors as she favors black and darker violet colors in her clothes. [/indent][/color] [b]Character Conceptualization[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Artemis has led a rather quiet life within Aetheria. Joining the game months after launch, the girl stuck to her circle of friends from outside the game. It was a humble, pleasant start to her journeys throughout the world of Aetheria. Choosing a dps role that would allow her to buff her party, Artemis ensured that her friends would succeed best they could… no matter the threat. While her role is not entirely supportive, as her build ends with a rather impressive finisher, still, Artemis shines at her best when with a group of her fellow wayfarers. This particular playstyle allowed her to contribute immensely to her group’s content clearing abilities early on, thus allowing Artemis to amass enough wealth to get herself started on some of the less combat-oriented endeavors within Pariah. Alchemy and enchanting soon found themselves being the girl’s main form of income, and served to fund her side projects such as learning more about how magic worked within Aetheria. This funding also went towards helping many new wayfarers with getting their first set of gear, and starting out on their journeys within Aetheria. Afterall, she’d hate to have just been starting out then getting destroyed by the first enemy she encountered! As time went on, Artemis managed to branch out from her core group of friends. Mostly from her rather outgoing nature at various taverns and pubs within the cities, and a certain willingness to drink with just about anybody who offered. However, not all of her reputation is good, per say. Her flirtatious nature led to more than a few incidents with other players, and her willingness to jump into confrontations between others has no doubt played into ensuring that more than one wayfarer has Artemis either on their blacklist… or on a list of people to exclude from raids. Still, this wasn’t an issue for the young wayfarer, as she had her friends and their guild, [b]Wild Hunt[/b] to stick things out with. Quest after quest, dungeon after dungeon, the group stayed rather close as they made their way through Aetheria. At least, they did, until taking a certain quest revolving around rats in the sewer. A few days after departing on this quest, the guild house of [b]Wild Hunt[/b] still lay remarkably empty, wanting for its members to return from their supposedly brief quest into the sewers, yet none had returned home…[/indent][/color] [b]Spells & Spell-Like Abilities[/b] [color=#807B84][indent][hider=Spell-Like Abilities][color=E6CCFF]Elemental Infusion[/color] [sub]The Crux of her playstyle, elemental infusion allows Artemis to enhance her spells, weapons, and body during combat. When her fourth rune is charged, Artemis is able to unleash her mighty Aktí Selínis. [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] This rune causes all spell-arrows manifested by Artemis to take on a red-orange hue, with the mana flickering down the shaft as if composed of flame itself. The effects of this rune are unique for each spell, but in general are as follows; additional fire damage, or applying a DoT to a target. [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] This rune causes all spell-arrows manifested by Artemis to take on a pale blue hue, with the mana of the shaft sparkling lightly down the shaft as if composed of ice itself. The effects of this rune are unique for each spell, but in general are as follows; additional ice damage, applying a slow/freezing effect to a target, or ‘freezing’ the effects of a debuff on an ally. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] This rune causes all spell-arrows manifested by Artemis to take on a brilliant silver-white hue, with the mana glowing down the shaft as if composed of moonlight itself. The effects of this rune are unique for each spell, but in general are as follows; additional light/radiant damage or beneficial buffs to a target. [b]Synergía:[/b] This rune serves only one purpose, the activation of Aktí Selínis, Artemis’ finisher move. The arrow created by this rune consists of swirling mana from the previous three runes. At the tip, all three combine into a deadly, blinding point. When fired, the arrow turns into a beam of energy that deals massive damage to all opponents within a line. After firing the Aktí Selínis, Artemis must wait thirty seconds before entering another runic phase, dealing only with her base spells. [/sub][/hider] [hider=Spells][hider=Damage Spells][color=E6CCFF]Trántagma[/color] [sub]Translating directly to Jolt, this spell is the most common spell within Artemis' arsenal. Forming a small arrow of pure force, the spell is then fired towards a target for force damage equivalent to a standard arrow from a bow. When augmented by Runes, Trántagma takes on one of the following effects: [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] Deals additional fire damage upon impact, as well as applying a [i]Burning[/i] DoT for the next thirty 15 seconds (DoT does not stack). [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] Deals additional ice damage upon impact, as well as applying a stack of [i]freezing[/i] to a target. Unless removed via healing or taking fire damage, three stacks of freezing will slow a target, five will freeze it in place. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] Deals additional radiant damage upon impact, as well as stunning the target out of their previous attack. [/sub] [hr] [color=E6CCFF]Keravnós[/color] [sub]Keravnós serves as Artemis’ line AoE attack. Firing in a long (about 15 foot) line starting from Artemis, Keravnós dealing moderate force damage to all opponents within said line upon impact with said target. Meaning, this attack can technically be dodged after it was fired. When augmented by Runes, Keravnós takes on one of the following effects: [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] Deals additional fire damage upon impact, as well as leaving a trail of flames across the ground. [b]Opponents[/b] within this area will take [i]Burning[/i] damage while they are within the affected area. Effect expires after fifteen seconds. [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] Deals additional ice damage upon impact, as well as leaving a trail of ice across the ground. [b]Opponents[/b] within this area will find themselves on uneven footing, forced to move slowly or risk falling and being rendered prone. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] Deals additional radiant damage upon impact, as well as leaving a trail of light across the ground. [b]Allies[/b] within this area will be harder to hit, partially obscured by the light. [/sub] [hr] [color=E6CCFF]Ekrixi[/color] [sub]Ekrixi serves as Artemis’ target-based-AoE attack. Centering on a single target, a small radius (about 5 foot radius) blast of pure force dealing moderate damage explodes outwards from the struck opponent. When augmented by Runes, Ekrixi takes on one of the following effects: [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] Deals additional fire damage upon impact. Additionally, this rune can be charged before being fired. Each second that the attack is charged will grant a stack of [i]Eruption[/i]. Upon firing, all stacks will be consumed to boost the potency of the explosion. A max of five stacks can be held, and moving/taking damage will cause ALL stacks to be dropped. [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] Deals additional ice damage upon impact. Additionally, this rune creates a blizzard effect on the area. Staying within this blizzard will cause enemies to take continual ice damage until they leave the area. Blizzard expires after fifteen seconds. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] Deals additional radiant damage upon impact. Additionally, this rune creates a blinding flash on all targets in the area. Weakening their hit chance on their next attack. [/sub] [hr] [color=E6CCFF]Aktí Selínis[/color] [sub]Aktí Selínis is [b]only[/b] available whenever Artemis is under the effect of the Synergía rune. When activated, Artemis kneels for several seconds to create a large arrow with all three of her runic elements swirling along the shaft before combining into a blindingly bright arrowhead. When fired, it creates a massive beam of energy to strike all enemies within a 20-foot line in front of Artemis, dealing massive damage as it connects. Like Keravnós, this attack can be dodged at the last second.[/sub][/hider] [hider=Buffs/Heals][color=E6CCFF]Blessing of Kynigós[/color] [sub]Blessing of Kynigós is Artemis’ party-wide movement buff. When formed, this arrow is planted directly into the ground at Artemis’ feet. All allies within 15 feet of Artemis receive the blessing, getting an increase to their movement and attack speed, as well as their agility. The effect lasts for the next thirty seconds, and has a cooldown of two minutes. This spell is unaffected by whatever rune is currently in use.[/sub] [hr] [color=E6CCFF]Therapévo[/color] [sub]Therapévo is a simple healing arrow. Fired at an ally, this arrow deals a small potency heal upon contact. When augmented by Runes, Therapévo takes on one of the following effects: [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] Converts the heal into a thirty second HoT, with a total potency of twice the main arrow. However, this is a heal over time, so damage can be taken and result in a lower total health gain. [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] Freezes one debuff currently applied to the target, preventing it from having an effect for the next ten seconds. If the debuff would expire or is magically removed during this time, then the freeze effect ends and the debuff falls off. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] Adds a buff of ‘Waiting Light’, which lasts twenty seconds. If damage is taken during this time, the buff is burned and casts a heal worth thirty percent of the damage just taken. If the timer runs out, the buff falls off with no effect. [/sub][/hider] [hider=Debuffs][color=E6CCFF]Simádi Kynigón[/color] [sub]Simádi Kynigón is Artemis’ debuff spell for usage on her opponents. By default, the Hunter’s Mark lowers an opponent's damage and critical hit resistance for the next fifteen seconds against [b]all[/b] sources of damage. This spell has two charges, and takes forty-five seconds to recharge a single usage. When augmented by Runes, Simádi Kynigón takes on one of the following effects: [b][color=f26522]Fotiá:[/color][/b] Applies [i]Overheated[/i] debuff to target for the next twenty seconds, making lowering their chance to hit, and the potency of their attacks should they connect. [b][color=6ecff6]Págos:[/color][/b] Applies [i]Freezing[/i] debuff to the target for the next twenty seconds, slowing their movement and attack speed. [b][color=#C0C0C0]Fos:[/color][/b] Coverts Simádi Kynigón into a five-foot-radius AoE around the target, all enemies within the area are bathed in light and share in the debuff from the main spell, but only for five seconds. [/sub] [/hider] [hider=Utility][color=E6CCFF]Pávla[/color] [sub]Pávla enables Artemis to make a quick dash in any direction, dodging an incoming hit if used before the attack has ‘connected’. The dash has a range of 5 feet. This spell is unaffected by the currently used rune. [/sub][/hider] [/hider] [/indent][/color] [b]Other Information:[/b] [color=#807B84]N/A[/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]