[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/leT_rFMrtWt7CTjaoYUcu8V57jP7_7Esm9k9opBGQI0/https/www.andersonkenya1.net/uploads/monthly_2018_05/sakura.gif.4172cca03a08e0d31f296dd0e369c2ea.gif[/img] Level 7: 35/70 Location: Carcass Isle- Kosm's Beach Word Count: 437 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance--- Level 7: 37/70 [/center] For all her efforts with the fireball, Kasugano Sakura earned the flighty ire of the terrible infant. Like the others, her sympathy had to be put aside for fighting instinct and simple fear of the powerful creature. She wasn't going to underestimate it again. She took her fighting stance, breathing heavily. As the crushing overhead came down, Sakura hopped nimbly to the side. The creature caught nothing but air, the dust and wind only ruffling her clothes. She predicted a follow up swing, and it came. She hopped cleanly over it, pulling her legs underneath her. There were few things as satisfying in this world as causing an opponent to completely whiff. All the power of their strike, and the only place it goes is into their own arm as they try to regain their momentum. Sakura landed nimbly on her feet and stepped forward into a roundhouse kick across the creature's jaw. [color=f49ac2][i]"Sei!"[/i][/color] and quickly back dashed away as the rest of her comrades engaged the creature in battle. There were things happening, but Sakura caught them mostly in her peripheral. All of her attention was on the mad beast. Bowser was the one who distracted it from her, firing a mighty series of blasts into the beast that barely seemed to bother it. But Sakura knew better. [color=f49ac2]"Keep it up! We're hurting it!"[/color] Sakura said confidently. The Orphan was excellent at ignoring injuries and fighting through them. Sakura knew many people who were the exact same way. But once you pushed through every bit of endurance they had left, a little tap would be all it would take to cause them to come tumbling down. The Orphan charged at the Koopa King, but link stopped it dead in it's tracks with his quick-witted magic. A mighty counter strike! Sakura sprinted in to take advantage. Ideally some of her allies would help beat the hell out of it, too, but she would do it alone if no one else was in position. Her plan of attack was as follows. She drove her elbow into the Orphan's spine. Smoothly she interlocked her fingers together hammered her two fists up into the Orphan's back. Then she flashed yellow as she snapped into an EX [color=f49ac2][i]"Shunpukyaku![/i] Take this!"[/color] One two three! She span like a blender and aimed to drive the Orphan back into the spear suspended in the air. She landed and then slammed her foot into the creature's back one more time. A straight kick that she transitioned into a back roll, diving away from the Orphan and taking her fighting stance.