Clark was paralyzed with indecision, his cricket mind hopping in a hundred different directions at once. He had something to say. Something important. Something VERY bodyguardy, BUT his employer, Delia, had told him to keep quiet. SO ... if he said something, he wasn't doing his job, but if he DIDN'T say something, he definitely also wasn't doing his job. Clark peered anxiously over at Arthur, who noticed after a moment and shot him a curious glance. Clark just stared. There was something else to consider; if he DID say something in the wrong way, he might cause the attack to spring early. That definitely wasn't a very bodyguardish thing to do. Arthur furrowed his brow and shook his head. Something was obviously wrong, but what. Drat!, thought Clark, why can't Arthur be a little bit psychic too! Arthur was in a completely different kind of paralysis, his hesitance at being involved in such shady dealings growing with every word. He didn't even want to think about what the contents of that jar might have actually been, that rich red powder. To HIM, Clark's blank stare was one of judgment. He'd dragged the poor cricket in here to protect some kind of drug lord and her crime lord friends. This time Clark shook his head and frowned. No!, he thought loudly, that's not it! Finally he just couldn't take it a moment longer. Leaning down, he whispered quite loudly into Delia's ear. [b]"Um excuse me ma'am but I have s-"[/b] Clark found Delia's palm on his face, pushing him back into a standing position as she tried to hide her irritation with an apologetic smile to the other seated parties. Roland and Gordon exchanged uneasy glances, as did the redheaded man from yesterday, Geoff, and chief's other bodyguard, AAAAAAAAH! Clark stood stunned for a moment, Arthur frowning over at him. Taking a slow side-step toward the cricket as he shifted an uneasy glance around at the other four men standing, Arthur leaned in and whispered to Clark. [b]"What's going on?"[/b] Clark also peered around uneasily. [b]"It's an ambush."[/b] Arthur tried not to look shocked. [b]"How d-"[/b] He winced [b]"right, right ... uh ..."[/b] A thick silence hung between them. Everyone in the room was looking increasingly uneasy. It was an uneasy time. Finally Delia turned around in her seat and glared up at the two men. Even Arthur knew without a word she was telling them to shut up. Clark just squeaked [b]"B-but ... it's an ambush ..."[/b] ... UwU