You might also divide your writing up between different characters with different views on goings on in your country. And that might mean having multiple political parties in your country. Maybe two-four as in America (although only really two with any power) or maybe many as in some European countries. Ex. The President. Perhaps being stifled by an opposing party that is managing to delay him in fulfilling his promises. Perhaps that is being stifled by division in his own party. Perhaps enjoying, at least as the story begins, widespread support from a bipartisan majority of his country. Reporter. Perhaps uncovering government corruption. Perhaps enthusiastically reporting on a country recovering from previous hardships. Perhaps warning that The President is making big mistakes. Perhaps a middle ground reporter getting gradually dragged to one side or another. Perhaps reporting on rogue groups. Rogue Groups. Perhaps a well intentioned one with plausible explanations for why they seek to undermine The President. Perhaps a plainly hostile power hungry group looking to undermine or depose The President. Perhaps a group that supports The President and wants to suppress opposing parties opposing that President, either peacefully or not or somewhere in between. Soldiers. Perhaps eager for The President to announce war with a country the military suspects will soon act against them. Perhaps hopeful they will be allowed to intercede on another countries behalf or support an allied country already engaged in war with a mutual enemy. Perhaps hopeful that The President won't stoke the flames of war. You could also always use common citizens or politicians to get deeper views. You expressed not wanting to make a Nationalists wet dream, often the best way to represent a dystopia is to explain why it's not a utopia. You could always RP a reformer. Yes, he's the Ambassador of Nationalismistan but you can have him trying to make Nationalismistan a place worthy of pride. Perhaps his vision of Nationalismistan has -insert preferred policies here- and has completely eliminated -insert distasteful policies here-