[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210918/99efe17fbfa2ea7258ff80479e4a1f93.png[/img][/center] [color=Silver]"Well she seems nice. . . "[/color] Silme mutters from his seat amongst the crowd of prospective students, finding the whole thing to be a bit over-done. This wasn't some battle royale bloodbath, this was an academy testing ground, they weren't going to intentionally try to get these students hurt to that degree, so it felt like a pretty cheap scare tactic on the part of the school. Still, it made it clear that they might try to pull something at this hotel, so Silme flipped open his Scroll to register a few vids to help him keep awake just in case. He'd spent too long training just to get outed in his sleep. As the crowd dispersed and started heading towards the fancy residence, the faunus spotted Midori off in the distance chatting with some other guy. For a moment, he considered walking over to say hey, but after catching some sideways glances from both the younger and older students milling about, decided that he should keep to his own advice. Best that the gearhead gets some more socially acceptable friendships rather than just being stuck with Silme and his thug stigma. Shoving the pamphlet into his pocket, he couldn't help the slight flick of irritation that his tail made as began his walk down the long winding set of stairs. While he hadn't minded too much on the way yup, knowing that he'd come all this way only to stick around for a 5-minute lecture definitely soured his mood a little.