[b]Sir Kherun Zeydria[/b] The snow haired knight smiled as the Knight-Captain welcomed him. But then he remembered that he had just entered a battle. He made his steed Wedge whip around to face the mercenaries surrounding the knights. Pretty much all of them that Kherun had knocked over were back up on their feet. But in the confusion another knight had joined them, a Sir Rorly. Kherun turned to the red-haired knight, giving him a quick nod. Kherun then made ready to charge the mercenaries’ line, but then more of them emerged from behind some foliage. The majority of them were wielding spears, one’s with quite a long reach. Kherun immediately thought of Wedge, worried for the safety of his longtime steed. Not wanting to risk the horse, Kherun quickly dismounted him. Kherun then turned to his horse and ordered, “Hide within.” Thanks to his druidic history, Kherun was able to clearly confer his meaning to the animal. Wedge then turned and trotted back into the fort. Kherun then raised both his sword and staff, spotting a mercenary a few feet away. The white haired knight lunged with his sword, but was promptly deflected by his enemy’s blade. Kherun grimaced at the revelation that the bad guys wouldn’t go down as easy as in stories. Truth be told, this was Kherun’s first actual combat. But he wasn’t wielding a wooden sword at the castle, this was deadly steel. The mercenary then slashed at Kherun, which he blocked with his staff, the wood undamaged from the blow. Kherun then responded with a slash with his other hand, this one making contact with his opponent’s throat. With a gurgle, the man collapsed as he bled out. Kherun wasn’t prepared for how much blood there was. He instinctively turned his head away from the sight, only to see a man a few meters from him have his head lobbed off. There was even more blood with this, as the head hit the ground. Kherun was upset to see that the man seemed to be an ally. But then the young knight noticed that his body should of fallen already. Instead the body moved on its own, slamming into his killer’s neck, immediately breaking it. The whole incident caused a wave of anxiety to wash over Kherun. Not only was this deadly combat, but dark magics were at play, as necromancy was the only way Kherun figured the headless man could still be fighting.