The trip here had cost a pretty penny. Mostly because she insisted on the fastest form of travel within her wealth bracket, and insisted that it go a bit faster than it was intended to go and used money as the incentive to drive such desired speeds from the carriage driver, and that said carriage drive was in fact from Amn and they have different expectations to 'go fast' with different expectations to 'added incentives' than most people of Baldur's Gate have. She arrived in record time, only to find herself argued into a much more destitute place than she was accustomed to being these days. Well, at least she had her wits about her. Taking that first deep breath of a fresh day's start, she watched as the carriage raced away at a breakneck pace. Soon it faded into a cloud of dust in the distance. She turned, and that first deep breath of a fresh day's start soured into a shuddering sigh of abject horror. The Carnival stood before her. It positively loomed, to her senses. The cheerful and inviting music thundered. The laughter was filled with a forlorn danger. The hints and temptations of spectacle were false masks obscuring the horrible visages of death and kidnap beneath. And there, before her, was the ticket booth. The gates to the Abyss itself. She lifted her hands to her mouth and breathed into a cup of her hands, frantically consuming and recycling her oxygen in this space for a few brief moments. Then she threw her hands out and clapped them together in a resounding slapping noise. There was a queue forming. That was nice. Queues made sense. They were logical. They were a good thing. A bit of Order in this paradise of Chaos- Her eyes widened in absolute horror as she witnessed the disruption of this utterly wondrous facet of organized existence. Some strange short gnome had barreled into it and sent the wondrousness into cattywampus turmoil. She slowly approached the line in slow and lilting steps. Each one was shorter than the last, whereas to her eyes the distance between her and the ticket booth seemed only to grow with each step... Until finally she shuffled into the back of the line. Breathing a bit ragged, mind you, but she did arrive in tact. That was something to be proud of. Oh, also, there was a bugbear over there. That was almost calming, really. You knew where you stood with a bugbear. Usually it was as far away as possible, but at a time like this you learned to accept the familiar when faced with the sheer incomprehensibility of the Carnival. This meant that she was staring for a few long moments. She soon ended this socially rude act, and focused ahead. Counting down to her arrival at the ticket booth quietly under her breath... "...[i]Let X equal my position...Queue length equals Y...Gait length...Transaction duration...Anticipated arrival...[/i]"