Nuri kicked after the goblins. [color=f26522]"Begone! You little worms."[/color] There was a laugh in her voice. She walked over to Neffy and leaned over, setting a hand on the little woman's shoulder. [color=f26522]"You did spectacularly! What a stab!"[/color] She mimed the motion with her free hand.[color=f26522] "And the rest of you, too. We make a great team. I sense good times, real good times, ahead."[/color] Nuri reached into her satchel and pulled out a rag, and she began to wipe her blade down. [color=f26522]"No, we're not here for the goblins. We're just here to take what we can find."[/color] She flipped up her visor to peer at her allies with her eyes. [color=f26522]"But. The little bastards are evil incarnate. See a goblin, kill a goblin, it's as easy as that. We'd be doing the world a favor."[/color] Though. Once again. Pet goblin? Friend goblin..? Maybe. No. Probably not. If she got enough money she'd try it one day. But she wasn't planning on letting someone get their face eaten off for one of her whimsies. [color=f26522] Let's follow them. They probably have the artifacts tossed in a big pile somewhere."[/color] With that Nuri turned and began to jog after the goblins, hoping to track their little foot prints and listen for their chattering.