Throughout the halls of the prison screams can be heard from the current riot. Tending to stay out of any confrontation that would ensue he had returned to his cell in which he began his daily mediation. As the noise erupting throughout the halls became louder and much closer it began to affect his ability to remain calm. His door swings open to an out of breath guard. Turning toward the currently meditating male sitting on the ground the guard approached cautiously the guard hadn't seen many inmates like this one calm unaware of the events outside in his mind this would be an easy target to get rid of as he had planned to use the cell as a place to hide until the events calmed down. After closing the door he grabs a knife from his hip and brings it up swinging downward aimed at the sitting subject's neck. Feeling the air around him move in a rushed feeling he knew in that instant the guard aimed to kill him why he doesn’t know; nor does he care, he simply wished to be left alone to his own devices, but upon this man’s insurrection he acts turning in a blinding speed as the knife misses its target instead cutting the ties that bind the male. As the wrapping fall a sudden gust of wind pushes the guard toward the door the knife launched into the air falls as if being manipulated falls swiftly into the hand of the man now free of his constraints he lunges forward in one swift motion cutting the throat of the guard and pushing him out of the way of the door. “Damn it”, he says in a low voice at the now lifeless guard.`` Had you just sat there in the corner i would not have had to kill you” looking back at his now mess filled room, “guess i have to find a new meditation spot”. He takes any keys or keycards that he finds on the body and opening the door he walks out taking note of his surrounding a blood trail nearby leading to the sounds of crunching, he instead chooses the opposite path best left to my own devices it be faster he thinks to himself he begins to move. Swiftly and silently he heads towards where he believes his weapon would be the personal property room reading the wind and using the slight changes in the air to detect movement he avoids most detection. Upon reaching the cafeteria he notices seven people still inside with all the commotion he had assumed it to be empty. Looking for a way to pass discreetly around noticing the knocked out guards that are in the direction he is heading. He instead of hiding decides to step out and introduce himself. “Hello, My name is Hauta mind if I join in on the festivities” in a polite manner with his hands up to show he means to harm.