[@KillamriX88] I feel like I would rather definite a positive than a negative, and let you feel for a character from there. Your Inheritor is basically someone at the end of one journey, and at the beginning of a new one. Their journey has surely changed them, perhaps not for the better. They've reached the end that their means have been striving toward, and this has pushed them into the next plane of existence. Here, despite all of their power, they will essentially be starting from the bottom again. The journey begins anew. Think about where they come from, and what they had to do to become who they are. Think about why their will drives them beyond the limits of their world. Think about what they sacrificed to come this far. Characters I want: doom-driven heroes, prophesied saviors, enlightened masters, tortured madmen, hot-blooded fighters, black-hearted schemers, silver-tongued liars, god-kings, demon lords, conquerors, revolutionaries. Your character stands where the World becomes the Fool again. Hope this helps.