[color=silver][indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bsyaj8l.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/VQQzXZm.png[/img][hr] [/center] As the diluted sounds that emitted from the town and the fireworks that exploded up in the sky were muffled through the walls of the mess hall, Wesley could hear it all. It sounded like everyone was having a good time. Even those who were at camp probably were gathered together in some way and were enjoying the company that they kept. All except Wesley. And it was by choice, obviously. Okay, that's a lie. The choice was rarely something he ever had, but he didn't know how to be the kind of person that would socialize with others like him. Sometimes he didn't even think he was like the other kids, or that they would like him. Between the energetic ones and those who almost frightened Wesley, part of him just wanted to stay close to his vest until he went home, but the voice of his brother always seemed to echo in his mind whenever he felt those feelings consume him. [i]Make friends,[/i] it would say to him. [i]Don't isolate yourself.[/i] Sure, there have been moments when Wesley tried to come out of his shell and not fall back into the same habits he always had, but it was difficult. He was the one his father put all of the expectations on and that often led him to spend a lot of time alone. And sometimes, in his solitude, he'd find comfort in the photos he was taking. The photos he was looking at right now. Wesley moved by the window and heard the sounds. He took photos of the sky. First with his phone. He wanted to snap some test shots before he used his actual camera, the one with polaroids. He wanted to get the angle right so he didn't waste a shot. But as he was aligning his phone with the sky, an alert came up from his E-mail. It was from someone named Jericho. They were talking about something that he had no idea about. No, maybe he did? It was such a blur to him. Dreams of something he was convinced by the adults that he fantasized. [color=fff79a]"It was over six years ago, right?"[/color] Wesley thought aloud. That sight of two monsters. The sight of a red dinosaur and a giant preying mantis-looking creature. It was something that visionaries in the movie industry would think of. So surely it wasn't something that actually happened...[i]Right?[/i] Wesley shook his head as he closed out of his email and went back to his camera. He had the shot of where in the sky, so now all he had to do was take the shot with his [i]actual[/i] camera. But just was going to just that, his phone stopped working. Not in the way that apps typically failed. It completely stopped working. It shut off without warning and that stood out to Wesley for a myriad of reasons. The biggest one, thought? He had just finished charging it back at the cabin. So why did it completely shut off. He tried to turn it back on, but after a few failed attempts, the mystery just got weirder and weirder. He was just grateful that his camera wasn't digital. A classic camera that could take normal photos. [color=fff79a][i]I wonder if anyone else had this trouble...[/i][/color] That thought stayed in the back of his mind for a few moments until it weighed on him and then it weighed heavier and heavier until he couldn't take it anymore. As he gathered his things, he stepped outside. The sounds from the city became even louder and Wesley just looked around for...anyone who might've been experiencing the same thing.[/indent][/indent][/color]