[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5hibJVg.png[/img][h2][color=gold]Dynasty Queen[/color][/h2][/center] Tesni had honestly lost herself in the rhythm of her fight. She no longer cared about the Grimoire, or the maiden. She was here. She was [i]now[/i]. And the Pageless were present. So, with a ruthless pace and a mad glint in her eye, the Monkey King had massacred her way through the horde. Her staff shooting out and retracting like a cannon, blasting the fodder and scarring the earth. The sweat and dust mixing, caking her skin, was more refreshing than any shower. Deep in her soul she felt that this was what she was meant to do; dancing on the knife’s edge between life and death so perfectly that she couldn’t be touched. The now, the impulsive and self indulgent now. How strong her legend was in the past wasn't going to save her now. How strong she could be in the future wasn't worth worrying about as it would come naturally to her, it was all flowing and the battle... the battle made sense. Instinct and senses were mixing and blending, she felt she was on the edge of a cliff and was about to leap off the edge and just fall into some kind of enlightenment. It was in this ecstasy of having almost achieved a goal that she didn't even realise she had that Tesni foolishly ignored the signs around her… and most importantly she ignored the torrent of water that swept the battlefield clean. Unable to save herself from being drenched, Tesni did manage to stop herself being swept away, slamming her staff down as a pillar, diverting the flow around her. Disappointed and soaked, but strangely content, the Welsh girl sat on the ground with a bittersweet sigh. [color=gold]“I was so close… I felt it, at the edge of life and death… where 'now' is the only thing that matters, that’s where my next level is. I’m using my powers well, but if feels like I’m not quite using them [i]right[/i].”[/color] Staring at the flowing water Tesni stood up and plucked her staff up as easily as someone would a flower and shrunk it slowly so as to not cause a cracking sound that the appearance of a sudden void where an indestructible and giant staff used to be. As she put it behind her ear the hulking Pageless corpse shredded to pieces revealed itself to her. She was frankly impressed that she had managed to miss it. [color=gold]“I was sooooooo out of it. When did that get there? When did the ‘once and future king’ show up? Who’s the new gir- you know what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter. While I was off enjoying myself, the goals were all achieved and in the end a good deed for the day was done.” [/color]Looking over at Camelot, Tesni as always couldn’t help but compare her to them. Both heroic figures tied to a specific culture with an iconic weapon, given the title of ‘king’ and famous for having gone on quests… [color=gold]“Well I don’t die at the end of my legend... and I actually succeed at the quest!”[/color] Cracking her neck she wandered over to the knightly magical girl and looked up at the new witch dangling from on high. [color=gold]“Why would she need help? She tore the Pageless to pieces, so I’m sure she can either tank the fall or otherwise control her fall.”[/color] When the most angelic of magical girls gracefully lowered the recruit to the ground Tesni did have to stop herself from rolling her eyes but couldn’t help herself from grinning. [color=gold]“Ya gonna carry her down from every high place from now on? Ah well, newbies should get eased into this as much as possible. Home time and a sleep in is in order I think, that was a rough bit of exercise and don't worry newbie, I won't hold you getting me drenched against you, everyone goes a little wild their first time.”[/color]