[CENTER][h1][color=f49ac2]Welcome to the Witchlight Carnival![/color][/h1] [color=82ca9d][h2]The Ticket Booth[/h2][/color][/CENTER] The goblin listened to everyone of you with an ear horn lifted to his ear. He sets down the horn before he answered Aurora first while shaking his head, "[color=00a651]An anonymous benefactor paid for those tickets, Ma'am. Sorry,[/color]" When Zavakri mentioned that she wanted to pay for her sister, he answered her, "[color=00a651]Of course, Madame. You may have to describe your sister to me, so that I can give her her ticket. An adult ticket costs 8 silver pieces, while a child's ticket costs 3 silver pieces,[/color]" After Miizel asked about the attractions, the goblin grinned and he answered, "[color=00a651]I said they're worth eight ticket punches, young man. There are many attractions here, and one or two of them are free. Any food or drink you might want also cost a ticket punch,[/color]" He then directs his attention, and he speaks to Jub, "[color=00a651]Ah yes. You, young goblin, you were speaking with the bugbear earlier, yes?[/color]" He remains silent for a bit to let Jub answer his question. After Jub answers his question here, he continues, "[color=00a651]I can only give his ticket to him. Would you do this old goblin a favor and tell him to come to this booth? I would like to have a word with him,[/color]" He then looks to the rest of the party, and speaks while handing them a rolled up map, "[color=00a651]Here is the map of the carnival. Once I clear something up with the bugbear, you are all free to explore the Witchlight Carnival. He is in your party after all, and I fear there is a misunderstanding,[/color]"