[quote=@Lonewolf685] [@Ponn] personally I see Olivia being someone who goes with the flow of the Ministry so long as they placate her but I imagine she’d be conflicted greatly if she was asked to use her Darling to reign in any errant Magical Girls. [/quote] Yeah, she wouldn't be a very big fan of that. Of course, if they frame it as "These are rogue Magical Girls who are helping the Pageless/harming innocent people", she'd be a lot more receptive to the idea. [@Lewascan2] Not only is this Olivia's first day, this is her first time meeting her fellow Magical Girls. She hasn't even been to the academy yet. She pretty much just unpacked her belongings in her dorm room, transformed to chat with Xolys, as she often does (pitty the poor soul that gets stuck as her roommate), and then it was mission time. But by all means, please do have Camelot approach her! She thought that sword throw was pretty cool, and would love to [s]make friends with[/s] meet the person responsible. [quote=@Villamvihar] And now I am imagining Roma stuffing Wilhelmina into various cosplays. It is adorably hilarious. Wilhelmina will want to get to know everyone! Currently, she is only aware of Lumiére, Lilac and possibly Camelot. So there are some introductions to go around definitely. And I am up for whatever [b]extremely awkward[/b] shenanigans [@Ponn] has in mind for Olivia, because I genuinely want to see how that goes. [/quote] I should hopefully have an Olivia post up by the end of the weekend. [i]Prepare thyself...[/i]