"She saved all of us in hell" Giri purrs, lounging at Red Wolf's side. Giri is caught between many things right now. Caught up in Red Wolf's aura, yes, but also there was a question that Red Wolf just asked the room, one that Giri knows the answer to with a clarity unmatched by anyone else present save Fengye herself. Why shouldn't she rush to please her host with her information? And on to that there is a worry nagging at her mind about this little scribe and the divine spirit that is with her. She doesn't know how that works, hasn't pieced it together yet, her mind feels like it's moving through molasses right now. But isn't that even more reason to share this information? To leave it to a hero of the dragon-blooded who is surely experienced in such matters. There's also the fact that Giri is already on her third glass of sake and there are fewer barriers between thought and word than there might normally be. "I don't know how it happened, but she's host sometimes to a divine spirit of the heavens, partial to Venus if the local gods of Turtlehead are to be believed." Giri takes another sip of her sake and plows forward. "I still don't know her name, but I'm certain of it. I watched in the hells as this woman bound the General of the Broken King and reduced her to that maid wandering about over there." Giri chuckles and sips her drink again. Her demeanor is far less serious than it ought to be for revealing such dire news as [i]that serving girl is actually an aspect of the broken king stripped of her power,[/i] but then again Giri has professional interest in the matter and she saw how thorough the ritual was. Her worries at least were minimal for the time being, even if she ought to be afraid of things going wrong down the line. "I can't tell you [i]why[/i] a heavenly spirit has deigned to grace us with her presence through this vessel" she says, her formality dripping with a hint of mockery given her past experiences with the spirit to date. "And as far as I can tell she has no agenda but to appear and work marvels regardless of whatever else is happening." Giri looks at Red Wolf, the smile on her face a mixture of [i]was I a good girl[/i] and a relaxed warmth from the food, drink, and presence of the dragon-blooded. She, at least, had decided a while ago that this simply was what it was and had put it with the problems to be sorted in the future along with the Rakshasa, finding Ven, and figuring out how to keep Han together with her little girlfriend.