[center][@blackdragon] [@Dezuel] [@The World] [@Chris488] [@Zeroth] [@Shu][/center] I'd like to tell you something that could change anything about what I've just learned but nothing will, no amount of tears that I have just shed over my screen will ever change what I will never forget. Queen is dead, her friend told me she passed around the last time her friend and I talked. [@Demonic Raven] was their real life friend and she hasn't been around after grieving, but I am hit extremely hard by this because of my closeness with Queen. What's made me hurt the hardest is that her last conversation with her friend she told Raven she loved the rp but most of all she really enjoyed talking to me. She even wanted to talk over the phone once and I wish with all my heart I had taken her up on it, I just wish once I could have told her how much her friendship meant to me.