Hello. I am InsertANameHere. I'm an experienced roleplayer who's currently active, but I'm new to this site. I've been playing one RP for a long time now, though, and wanted to diversify a bit, as the burden of worldbuilding and directing has been on me for most of that RP. Overall, my favorite genre tends to be medieval fantasy. I have a big interest in history, and the genre does a good job to me of combining historic elements with what-ifs. That is, it does a good job of allowing me to consider how certain things have worked historically and making me consider how (or whether) they would apply with factors like magic and different species. For this reason, I find worldbuilding an especially interesting part of RPing, and prefer magic be on the lower end of the power scale. I like magic powerful enough to be a major factor, but not so powerful that it completely dominates the story to the detriment of everything else. I prefer that magic have some consistent rules, and that mages aren't Swiss army knives that can conjure a spell for any situation, or destroy standing armies with the wave of a hand. Likewise, I like characters influencing the world, but I prefer them not be powerful enough to completely steamroll through organized resistance. To me, that invalidates a major factor - the relevance of armies, and thus, how dangerous groups are overall - and at least from the perspective of a director, it's harder to present meaningful threats to characters that don't have to worry about armies. I'm sorry if that sounds very complainy for someone who hasn't done any RPing here yet; I mean to give a good idea of what I'm getting at, as simply saying that I prefer magic and characters be on the lower scale of power might sound like I want them to be weak, when I'm contrasting my preference to the peak. I tend to put a lot of effort into making sure my exact meaning is understood. Hopefully, this gives you a good idea of what sort of thing I like when it comes to RPs - I'm more about developing and exploring the world as a whole, and less about power fantasies. Anyway, if you actually read this, I appreciate you. I can often end up typing a lot when it comes to something I'm interested in. I hope I can find something I like here, and fit in.