[hider=Short Pitch] Everyone loves Elder Scrolls right? Well what if it got mixed up with some Bannerlords? Wouldn't that be wacky? Give me money please. [/hider] Debating on Advanced/Casual, aiming more for Double High Casual It really would work quite well in Casual though. Playing as a lower ranked character like a soldier or a mercenary or a trader wouldn't require long deliberate posts while playing as a high ranking member of one of the Nations would. My idea is relatively simple but it could go in a lot of directions so I'm looking to gauge Interest for the RPing and see if anyone would be interested in helping sort of brainstorm plan it out. I liked the way that little guide thing from like two years ago was a collaborative effort and this idea can't work in practice without collaboration so why not collaborate with the world building too. Simple: Elder Scrolls has interesting races. Everyone knows Elder Scrolls. Everyone likes Elder Scrolls. Bannerlord has dull races but interesting civilizations. Not a lot of people know Bannerlord. A lot of people would like Bannerlord. Why not try to lean into the strengths of both and create an RP out of their joyous union? I'm not an expert lore student with tomes of rarified knowledge. My handle on CHIM isn't sufficient yet that it has led me to question my madness and dream of strange cities below the sea, of entering the waters and never leaving, of an unfathomable knowing dwelling somewhere in the outer cosmos with no regard for the doings of man. I don't know everything about Bannerlord either but I know a bit about both and I have Wiki and you guys, hopefully, to flesh it all out. Or throw it out because its garbage and make something better I can take credit for in the future. [center][b]BASIC IDEA [/b][/center] All open to change, this is just a basic explanation of how I see it fitting. It does largely cut out the Elves...we'd have to figure out how to fit them back in probably. I'd be down for Kingdoms of Man and Beasts but I know a lot of folks love the Elves. Dark Elves in particular. They so sexy though. [hider=Tamriel Map] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Q54NoIU_vMa05QyXy7j1jQHaFE?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bannerlord Map] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mountandblade/images/b/bf/Bannerlord_Faction_Map.png/revision/latest?cb=20180407102322[/img] [/hider] Northern Empire - Seat of Power: Senate believes they should pick next leader Southern Empire - War: General believes veterans should pick next leader Western Empire - Traditional: Believe previous King's son should be heir to the throne Vlandia - Nords, slightly tamed by vicinity to Bretons and Imperials Sturgians - Orcs Khuzaits - Khajit Battanians - Bretons Aserai - Redguard [b]Elder Scrolls - Imperials Bannerlord - Empire[/b] [hider=MASH EM UP] Elder Scrolls Imperials are largely the center of the world. Similarities to Rome. Mercantile. Speechcraft. Politics. Kinda dicks. Bannerlord Empire are largely the center of the world. Similarities to Rome. Mercantile, Speechcraft and Politics kind of bloom from that. Take a group whose leader is, or at least is believed to be, an aspect of a God and all the good jolly fun that could come with that. Being in the center leads to some obvious advantages and some obvious disadvantages. You can trade with near everyone, you can also be attacked by near everyone. You also have members of near every other nation living in your nation and providing you with doubtless the most diverse populace in the world, but during a war that may prove a liability if their loyalties are altered. Comes, courtesy of Bannerlord, either as three smaller groups you could control one of or as one big group with a distinct and dire problem to solve. The Emperor is old and decrepit and he smells like salty eggs, and not in the good way. The Northern Empire, the metropolitan Seat of the Senate, believes that it is time the Empire become more Democratic and who better to hold the reins, I mean rule with reason and empathy, than the Senate itself. They're protected from major threats by the bulk of the Empire to their South and to their West. The Western Empire, near two groups the Empire has long had a stable peace with, is more traditional and believes that the way things have always been run is the way things ought to be run. It has carried them this far has it not? Headed up by the ailing Emperor and still quite young, healthy, and hot Emperess they hold that rule be passed down to the heir. The Southern Empire, near a desert and a tundra, has long been heavily involved in the rearing, training, and command of the Empire's military. Led, though unofficially for now, by a famed General they hold that it is veterans who ought to decide the next Emperor. It was by their hand that the Empire was able to expand its borders. It is by their hand that it does defend those borders. Why should their hands be kept from the reins? Can the center hold? Can the Empire weather this storm and see itself into a new form or retain its traditions? Will they be able to keep their citizens from a neighboring nation happy while going to war with that nation? Might they be able to take an even bigger slice of the pie and expand their borders ever outward? [/hider] [b]Elder Scrolls -Nords Bannerlord - Vlandia[/b] [hider=MASH EM UP] Elder Scrolls Nords are big shouty dudes from the Northern Mountains who swing big axes and big swords and really don't need a jacket. Kinda dicks to other groups. Great in an army. Hearty as hell. Bannerlord Vlandians are a feudal state that focuses on cavalry, which isn't a great fit, but the area they occupy is perfect and it would work quite well as a Nord-like that has been affected by changing borders and cross-cultural development between themselves, the Battanian/Bretons to the North-East and the Empire to the East. Similar to an Elder Scrolls Nord group that had been exposed to the Empire for a good long while. Big Nordy dudes with armor, enjoying a long peace but spending much of it sharpening their swords and hammers. Well blunting their hammers. Will the call for pillage and slaughter ring again? Will they be fully subsumed by The Empire? Will they go to war with Battania and get themselves some nifty bows? Will they lie in wait for one of the other factions to become weak and then go loot the shit out of them? What is best in life? To see your foes driven before you? To hear the lamentations of their women? [/hider] I've written up explanations for my thinking in regard to the Empire/Imperials and their subfactions as well as for Vlandia/Nords. I'll do more writing tomorrow and try to get a better explanation of what changes these meldings would bring and why I think they're good choices. A big, relatively obvious, weakness of my current thinking is the absence of Argonians and all forms of Elves. This could either be explained as a time before the Elves, or there just aren't any Elves in this version, or by incorporating the Elves into other groups. Perhaps the High Elves exist in Vlandia, with the Nords, having been the reason for them being relatively tamed and for Vlandia having not been taken over by the much larger Empire. Perhaps the Wood Elves exist in Battania, with the Bretons, hiding in the dense forests and teaching the Bretons how to use bows so well. Perhaps the Dark Elves exist in Aserai, with the Redguards, or in the Khuzait Kingdom, with the Khajit. Either would fit them relatively well being more barren unpleasant surroundings as was Morrowind and placing the Dark Elves in a rather rough predicament as they often seem to find themselves. I don't have any good ideas for Argonians really. Perhaps just swallowed up,culturally, entirely by the Empire. Perhaps hunted to extinction long ago. Perhaps living in secret in the marshlands of the Empire. [hider=Themes: Why This Would Be Cool] Nation Conflicts Faction Conflicts with a Nation Losing a Battle Can Mean Winning a War Not Leading Your Men Into a Certain Slaughter Is Probably Smart Sometimes Retreat Is Appropriate War Sucks A Lot of Ass Things could change pretty quickly to breathe some new life into things if we get into a lull in posting [/hider]